
关西学院大学校歌空の翼(作词:北原白秋,作曲:山田耕筰) 1.风に思う空の翼辉く自由 Mastery for Service清明ここに道あり我が丘関西 関西 関西 関西学院ポプラは羽ばたくいざ响け我等风 光 力 若きは力ぞいざ いざ いざ 上ヶ原ふるえいざいざ いざ いざ上ヶ原ふるえ2.眉にかざす圣き甲萌えたつ绿 Mastery for Service跃々更に朗らよ我が自治関西 関西 関西 関西学院3.旗は勇む武库の平野遥けし理想 Mastery for Service新月ここに冴えたり我が士気関西 関西 関西 関西学院A Song for Kwansei(作词:Edmund Blunden,作曲:山田耕筰) 1.That we may both receive and give,May live to learn, and learn to live,Kwansei, we throng. ーTo you we throng, not first nor last,Rejoicing in your fruitful past,Through seasons clear or overcastStill true and strong.2.For us the present time is grace,with thankful hearts we take our placeKwansei, our own;And, each and all, will count these hours,Beneath your trees, beneath your towers,One long succession or kind hours,The sweetest known.3.In every art, in every skill,We promise you we bend our will,Kwansei, to you;And after-comers shall acclaimIn faith and thought, in song and game,Your love, your hope, your strength, your fameStill strong and true.

