
厦门大学王亚南经济研究院西方经济学研究方向1-宏观经济学内容、特色、意义This course provides a mix of theory and applications of macroeconomics. Topics range from the classical economics, Keynesian economics and other neo-classical models such as overlapping generation models, dynamic optimization, real business cycle theory, inter-temporal open economy models and the theory of economic growth. Various theories will be illustrated using examples drawn from local and international policy issues, as appropriate.导师齐豪(助理教授硕博导师)胡学勤(副教授硕博导师)赖小琼(教授硕博导师)沈凯玲(助理教授硕博导师)王洛林(教授硕博导师)王瑞芳(教授硕博导师)吴碧英(教授硕博导师)庄宗明(教授硕博导师)2--微观经济学内容、特色、意义The core material deals with labor supply decisions made by rational households, labor demand decisions made by profit-maximizing firms, and the equilibrium wage differentials and employment pattern implied by these decisions when markets are competitive. Applications include the analysis of industry wage differentials (why wages in different industries vary), life-cycle age-earning profile, and returns to human capital investments. The last part of the course considers various ways in which labor markets may differ from the competitive ideal. Topics may include efficiency wages and other incentive schemes, discrimination, bargaining between workers and employers to divide monopoly rents, and unemployment.导师齐豪(助理教授硕博导师)胡学勤(副教授硕博导师)赖小琼(教授硕博导师)沈凯玲(助理教授硕博导师)王洛林(教授硕博导师)王瑞芳(教授硕博导师)吴碧英(教授硕博导师)庄宗明(教授硕博导师)

