The IEIT was established on July 20, 2015. Under thesupport of Tianjin Binhai New Area and Sino-SingaporeTianjin Eco-City, the IEIT will fully leverage the advancedscientific research and talents of Tsinghua University forprototyping and industrializing research achievements inthe field of electronics and information technology.The IEIT consists of a management team, a technicalteam that supports the public experiment platform, and anumber of project teams for technology transfer. Besidessupporting technology transfer in the IEIT, the publicexperiment platforms are opened to the whole society;the project team is formed by members from globalrecruitments; the project incubation will follow marketmechanism and attract investment of the society, and themature incubation outcomes will be brought to themarket.The IEIT aims to explore a mechanism and operationmode for sustainable high-tech technology transfer, andpromote national technology innovation and industrialdevelopment in the field of electronics and informationtechnology.