报告题目: From Casimir effect to quantum atmosphere
报告人: 蒋庆东博士 斯德哥尔摩大学
报告时间:6月10日(星期三)下午 15:30
报告地点:腾讯会议 852 697 570
报告邀请人: 江华
报告摘要: In 2018, Frank Wilczek and I proposed the concept of “quantum atmosphere”. The quantum atmosphere promises a new way to probe symmetries and topological information of materials. The feasibility of our proposal has been demonstrated by a recent experiment. In this talk, I will explain to you the concept of quantum atmosphere, and how it emerges from our study on the Casimir effect.
(1) K. Zhu, et al., Experimental sensing quantum atmosphere of a single spin, arXiv:2001.04047.
(2) Q.-D. Jiang and Frank Wilczek, “Quantum atmospherics for materials diagnosis”, Physical Review B, 99, 201104 (R) (2019).
(3) Q.-D. Jiang and Frank Wilczek, “Chiral Casimir Forces: Repulsive, enhanced, tunable”, Physical Review B, 99, 125403 (2019).
(4) Q.-D. Jiang and Frank Wilczek, “Axial Casimir force”, Physical Review B, 99, 165402 (2019).
报告人简介:Qingdong Jiang is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Stockholm University, Sweden. He received his PhD degree (supervisor: X. C. Xie) from Peking University in 2017. His interests include Casimir forces, cavity quantum electrodynamics, unconventional superconductivity, and topological phases of matter.