
陶文铨论文著作截止2018年,陶文铨出版专著与教材14部,其中专著《数值传热学》已经被中国国内外期刊论文引用6000余次 ,发表科研论文400余篇,专利10项,其中8项国家发明专利 

出版时间图书名称作者出版社1981年《传热学基础》陶文铨主编电力工业出版社1988年《数值传热学》陶文铨编著西安交通大学出版社1991年《计算流体力学与传热学》陶文铨编著中国建筑工业出版社1995年《传热学的研究与进展 杨世铭教授从教50周年暨70寿辰纪念文集》陶文铨等编高等教育出版社1998年《传热学》杨世铭,陶文铨编著高等教育出版社1999年《陈学俊院士从事教育科技六十周年暨八十华诞纪念册》陶文铨主编2000年06月《计算传热学的近代进展》陶文铨科学出版社2001年05月《数值传热学(第2版)》陶文铨西安交通大学出版社2001年07月《工程热力学-教育部高等教育面向21世纪课程教材》陶文铨,李永堂武汉理工大学出版社2005年《对流换热及其强化的理论与实验研究最新进展》陶文铨,何雅玲等编著高等教育出版社2006年12月《传热学》陶文铨西北工业大学出版社2006年08月《传热学第四版》杨世铭,陶文铨高等教育出版社2009年01月《传热与流动问题的多尺度数值模拟:方法与应用》陶文铨科学出版社2018年01月《杨世铭传热学论文集》陶文铨高等教育出版社期刊论文截止2014年,陶文铨发表科研论文400余篇:国际杂志140篇,国际会议80余篇,国内重要期刊物近200篇

根据万方数据库检索的部分论文如下: 发表时间论文名称作者期刊名称2002/8/31Field synergy principle for enhancing convective heat transfer––its extension and numerical verificationsWen-Quan Tao, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Bu-Xuan WangInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer2002/11/30A unified analysis on enhancing single phase convective heat transfer with field synergy principleWQ Tao, YL He, QW Wang, ZG Qu, FQ SongInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer1983/11/1Enhanced heat transfer in a flat rectangular duct with streamwise-periodic disturbances at one principal wallEM Sparrow, WQ TaoJournal of heat transfer2006/9/29Parameter sensitivity examination and discussion of PEM fuel cell simulation model validation: Part I. Current status of modeling research and model developmentWQ Tao, CH Min, XL Liu, YL He, BH Yin, W JiangJournal of power sources2004/1/1A novel segregated algorithm for incompressible fluid flow and heat transfer problems—Clear (coupled and linked equations algorithm revised) part I: Mathematical formulation and solution procedureWQ Tao, ZG Qu, YL HeNumerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals1984/11/30Symmetric vs asymmetric periodic disturbances at the walls of a heated flow passageInternational journal of heat and mass transferEM Sparrow, WQ Tao2009/1/1Recent advances in multiscale simulations of heat transfer and fluid flow problemsWen-Quan Tao, Ya-Ling HeProgress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, an International Journal1987/4/1The transportive property and convective numerical stability of the steady-state convection-diffusioWQ Tao, EM SparrowNumerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications2002/11场协同原理在强化换热与脉管制冷机性能改进中的应用 (上)陶文铨, 何雅玲西安交通大学学报2010/2/15无网格数值求解方法陶文铨, 吴学红, 戴艳俊中国电机工程学报1982/1/1Buoyancy-driven fluid flow and heat transfer in a pair of interacting vertical parallel channelsEM Sparrow, WQ TaoNumerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications2007/11/13D numerical simulation on fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics in multistage heat exchangerWQ Tao, YP Cheng, Tzyy Sheng LeeHeat and Mass Transfer1983/1/31Heat transfer at an array of co-planar slat-like surfaces oriented normal to a forced convection floEM Sparrow, WQ Tao, DD RadtkeInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

