

设计发 展了铁磁合金基磁电复合新体系,提出了复合巨磁电效应



学术论著截至2017年,南策文发表学术论文400余篇,被SCI他人引用10000多次(H因子=52);获授权国家发明专利30项 ;2005年,出版学术专著《非均质材料物理:显微结构—性能关联》,代表性论文如下 :C. W. Nan, Y. Shen, J. Ma, Physical properties of composites near percolation, Annual Review of Materials Reserach, 40(40): 131-151 (2010).C. W. Nan, M. I. Bichurin, S. X. Dong, D. Viehland, G. Srinivasan, Multiferroic magnetoelectric composites: Historical perspective, status, and future directions, (Applied Physics Review), Journal of Applied Physics, 103(3), 031101 (2008).J. Ma, Z. Shi, C. W. Nan, Magnetoelectric properties of composites of single Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 rods and Terfenol-D/epoxy with a single-period of 1-3-type structure, Advanced Materials, 19(18), 2571-2573 (2007).Y. Shen, Y. H. Lin, M. Li, C. W. Nan, High dielectric performance of polymer composite films induced by a percolating interparticle barrier layer, Advanced Materials, 19(10), 1418-1422 (2007).C. W. Nan, G. Liu, Y. H. Lin, H. D. Chen, Magnetic-field-induced electric polarization in multiferroic nanostructures, Physical Review Letters, 94(19), 197203 (2005).C. W. Nan, L. Z. Fan, Y. H. Lin, Q. Cai, Enhanced ionic conductivity of polymer electrolytes containing nanocomposite SiO2 particles, Physical Review Letters, 91(26), 266104 (2003).Z. M. Dang, Y. H. Lin, C. W. Nan, Novel ferroelectric polymer composites with high dielectric constants, Advanced Materials, 15(19), 1625-1629 (2003).J. B. Wu, C. W. Nan, Y. H. Lin, Y. Deng, Giant dielectric permittivity observed in Li and Ti doped NiO, Physical Review Letters, 89(21), 217601 (2002).C. W. Nan, R. Birringer, D.R. Clarke, H. Gleiter, Effective thermal conductivity of particulate composites with interfacial thermal resistance, Journal of Applied Physics, 81(10), 6692-6699 (1997).C. W. Nan, Magnetoelectric effect in composites of piezoelectric and piezomagnetic phases, Physical Review B, 50(9), 6082-6088 (1994).C. W. Nan, Physics of inhomogeneous inorganic materials, Progress in Materials Science, 37(1), 1-116 (1993).成果奖励获得国家自然科学二等奖1项、省部级奖3项、中国以外奖励2项 

时间项目名称奖励名称2008年教育部自然科学二等奖(排名第二)2005年非均质材料显微结构与性能关联:理论及实践国家自然科学奖二等奖(第一完成人) 2002年北京市科学技术奖一等奖2001年湖北省自然科学奖一等奖(排名第四)学术交流多次主持召开国际、国内学术会议,在国际会议做主题报告、邀请报告40余次 

