学术论著截至2015年12月,韩杰才出版学术专著2部,在国际期刊发表文章350余篇,被引用7000余次(其中SCI他引3000余次)、入选TOP25热点论文9篇 ,代表性文章如下:Han, JC; Wang, BL ,Thermal shock resistance of ceramicswith temperature-dependent material properties at elevated temperature, ActaMaterialia V 59 N4 P1373-1382: FEB 2011Han, JC; Hu, LY; Zhang, YM; Jiang,ZH; Zhou, YF, In situ synthesis of hierarchically porous silica ceramics withunidirectionally aligned channel structure, Scripta Materialia V62 N6 P431-434: MAR 2010Han, JC; Hong, CQ; Zhang, XH); Du,JC; Zhang, W, Highly porous ZrO(2) ceramics fabricated by a camphene-basedfreeze-casting route: Microstructure and properties, Journal of The European CeramicSociety V30 N1 P53-60: JAN 2010Han, JC; Hu, LY; Zhang, YM; Zhou,YF, Fabrication of Ceramics with Complex Porous Structures by theImpregnate-Freeze-Casting Process, Journal of The American Ceramic SocietyV92 N9 P2165-2167: SEP 2009Han,JC; Hu, P; Zhang, XH ;Meng, SH; Han, WB , Oxidation-resistant ZrB2-SiCcomposites at 2200 degrees C, Composites Science and Technology, V68 N3-4 P:799-806MAR 2008Han, JC; Hong, CQ; Zhang, XH; Meng,SH, Microstructural characterization and ablation mechanism of TiB2/(Cu,Ni)melt-infiltrated ceramic composite, Composites Science and Technology v67n11-12 p2231-2237: SEP 2007Han, JC; Liu, AP; Zhu, JQ; Tan, ML;Wu, HP, Effect of phosphorus content on structural properties of phosphorusincorporated tetrahedral amorphous carbon films, Applied Physics A-MaterialsScience & Processing v88 n2 p341-345:AUG 2007Han, JC, Thermal shock resistance ofceramic coatings, Acta Materialia, v55 n10 p3573-3581:JUN 2007Han, JC; Gao, W; Zhu, JQ; Meng, SH;Zheng, WT, Density-functional theory study of the microstructure, electronicstructure, and optical properties of amorphous carbon, Physical Review B v75n15: APR 2007Han, JC; Tan, ML; Zhu, JQ; Meng, SH;Wang, BS; Mu, SJ; Cao, DW , Photovoltaic characteristics of amorphous siliconsolar cells using boron doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon films as p-typewindow materials, Applied Physics Letters v90 n8: FEB 192007Han, JC; Wang, BL ,Crack spacingeffect for a piezoelectric cylinder under electro-mechanical loading ortransient heating, International Journal of Solids and Structures , v43 n7-8p2126-2145: APR 2006Han, JC; Bao-Lin, W , Thermal shockresistance enhancement of functionally graded materials by multiple cracking, ActaMaterialia v54 n4 p963-973:FEB 2006Han, JC; Hong, CQ; Zhang, XH; Wang,BL, Thermal shock resistance of TiB2-Cu interpenetrating phase composites, CompositesScience And Technology v65 n11-12 p1711-1718:SEP 2005Han, JC; Zhang, XH; Wood, JV ,In-situ combustion synthesis and densification of TiC-xNi cermets,Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials PropertiesMicrostructure And Processing v280 n2 p328-333: MAR31 2000Han, JC; He, XD; Du, SY, oxidationand ablation of 3d carbon-carbon composite at up to 3000-degrees-c, CARBON v33n4 p473-478: 1995 承担项目截至2015年12月,韩杰才先后主持或承担国家安全重大基础研究、863高技术、国家自然科学基金重点项目10余项
科研成果奖励截至2015年12月,韩杰才作为第一获奖人,主持的项目《超高温条件下复合材料热致损伤机理和失效行为研究》获得2014年国家自然科学二等奖 ;2009年和2011年获得国家技术发明二等奖;2010年获得黑龙江省自然科学一等奖