时间考察说明2013年6月27日-7月1日带领6名成员组成的科考队赴黄河源头考察2013年5月25日-6月10日带领20名成员组成的科考队赴青藏高原西南部考察2012年7月5日-7月24日带领25名成员组成的科考队赴青藏高原西部考察2012年7月10日-8月20日带领28名成员组成的科考队赴青藏高原中部考察2009年4月18日-5月15日带领12名成员组成的赴尼泊尔Langtang山谷地区考察2006年9月9日-11月1日带领25名成员组成的科考队从喜马拉雅纳木那尼冰川收集冰芯2004年8月11日-9月15日带领20人组成的科考队在喜马拉雅山西南的纳木那尼冰原做初步调查2000年9月10日-11月5日带领48名中国成员组成的科考队在位于青藏高原中部的6000米普若岗日冰帽进行冰芯钻取1999年8月-9月带领17名成员组成的科考队对在位于西藏中部的普若岗日冰帽开展初步调查1997年带领中美喜马拉雅达索普冰川7200米(23,500英尺)冰芯钻取1996年7月5日-9月10日带领达索普冰川科考1992年为期3个月的中美古里雅冰帽联合科考中国方队长1991年为期2个月的中美古里雅冰帽联合科考中国方队长1990年为期1个半月的中美古里雅冰帽联合科考中国方队长1986年为期2个月的中美敦德冰帽联合科考1984年天山乌鲁木齐河为期3个月的冰川考察项目承担&成果奖励截至2014年,姚檀栋先后主持了国家“八五”、“九五”攀登计划课题、国家重点基础研究规划、中科院重大课题等20多项科研项目 ,研究成果获国家自然科学三等奖、四等奖和中国科学院自然科学一等奖等多项
项目承担时间项目名称项目来源担任职务2012-2016青藏高原多圈层相互作用及其资源环境效应中科院战略性先导科技专项(B类)首席科学家2012-2015第三极地球系统中水体的多相态转换及其影响国家自然科学基金重大项目首席科学家2009-2012中国河水与降水稳定同位素观测研究(CNIRP)国家自然科学基金重大项目首席科学家2009-2012“第三极环境(TPE)”国际计划中国科学院首席科学家2009-2011青藏高原南部冰川与冰川补给湖泊变化的集成研究国家自然科学基金首席科学家2005-2010青藏高原环境变化及其对全球变化的响应与适应对策首席科学家2002-2007冰芯与寒区环境”国家自然科学基金首席科学家成果奖励时间项目名称奖励名称获奖人员或来源1996年国际横穿南极考察冰川学研究中国科学院自然科学一等奖1997年国际横穿南极考察冰川学研究国家自然科学三等奖1999年古气候和古环境研究国家自然科学四等奖2000年气候变化和趋势、湖泊和海平面中国科学院自然科学一等奖2014年青藏高原冰芯高分辨率气候环境记录研究国家自然科学奖二等奖姚檀栋,秦大河,田立德,王宁练,康世昌 论文著作截至2017年,姚檀栋在Nature、Nature Climate Change、Review of Geophysics、PNAS在内的杂志上发表了多篇高水平论文
2012年《Nature-Climate Change》以LETTERS文章形式刊发了姚檀栋领衔团队的研究成果
他通过青藏高原降水稳定同位素揭示印度季风与西风相互作用的三种模态的论文是2013年第4期Review of Geophysics的封面文章
他发表在Nature Climate Change期刊上的关于冰川变化的研究被Nature期刊专题报道
姚檀栋领导的区域冰川变化与气候变化及水资源的关系研究成果入选汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)评选出的2015、2016年地学十大科学前沿中“冰川变化与气候及其水资源的关系”领域的第一方阵
出版著作出版日期名称作者出版社1993.01《青藏高原冰川气候与环境》姚檀栋等著北京:科学出版社2002.11《青藏高原中部冰冻圈动态特征》姚檀栋等著北京:地质出版社2004.12《青藏高原隆升与环境效应》郑度,姚檀栋等著北京:科学出版社2012.09《英汉冰冻圈科学词汇》姚檀栋,丁永建,任贾文等主编北京:气象出版社期刊论文Yao, T., Masson-Delmotte, V., Gao, J., Yu, W., Yang, X., Risi, C., Sturm, C., Werner, M., Zhao, H., He, Y., Ren, W., Tian, L., Shi, C., & Hou, S. A review of climatic controls on δ18O in precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau: Observations and simulations. Reviews of Geophysics, 2013, 51: 525-548Yao,T.,Thompson, L.,Yang, W.,Yu, W.,Gao, Y.,Guo, X.,Yang, X.,Duan, K.,Zhao, H.,Xu, B.,Pu, J.,Lu, A.,Xiang, Y.,Kattel, D.B., and Joswiak, D. Different glacier status with atmospheric circulations in Tibetan Plateau and surroundings. Nature Climate Change, 2012, 2: 663-667.Yao, Tandong., Thompson, L., Mosbrugger, V., Zhang, F., Ma, Y., Luo, T., Xu, B., Yang, X., Joswiak, D., Wang, W., Joswiak, M., Devkota, L., Tayal, S., Jilani, R., and Fayziev, R., 2012. Third Pole Environment (TPE), Environmental Development, 3:52-64.Yao Tandong, Li Zhiguo, Yang Wei et al. Glacial distribution and mass balance in the Yarlung Zangbo River and its influence on lakes. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55: 2072-2078.Yao Tandong. Glacial fluctuations and its impacts on lakes in the southern Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55: 2071.Yao, T.D., Zhou, H., and Yang, X.X., 2009. Indian monsoon influences altitude effect of 18O in precipitation/river water on the Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54: 2724-2731.Yao Tandong, Liu, Y., Kang, S., Jiao, N., Zeng, Y., Liu, X., and Zhang, Y. Bacteria variability in a Tibetan ice core and their relations with climate change. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2008, 22, GB4017, doi: 10.1029/2007GB003140.Yao, Tandong., K.Duan, B.Xu, N.Wang, X.Guo, X. Yang. Precipitation record since AD 1600 from ice cores on the central Tibetan Plateau, Climate of the Past, 2008, 4:175-180.Yao Tandong, Duan Keqin, Thompson L.G., Wang Ninglian, Tian Lide, Xu Baiqing, Wang Youqing, and Yu Wusheng. Temperature variations over the past millennium on the Tibetan Plateau revealed by four ice cores. Annals of Glaciology, 2007, 46: 362-365.Yao Tandong, Pu Jianchen, Lu Anxin, Wang Youqing, and Yu Wusheng. Recent glacial retreat and its impact on hydrological processes on the Tibetan Plateau, China, and surrounding regions. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 2007, 39(4): 642–650.Yao Tandong, Shurong Xiang, Xiaojun Zhang, Ninglian Wang, and Youqing Wang. Microorganisms in the Malan ice core and their relation to climatic and environmental changes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2006, 20, GB1004, doi: 10.1029/2004GB002424.Yao Tandong, Guo Xuejun, L.G. Thompson, Duan Keqin, Wang Ninglian, Pu Jianchen, Xu Baiqing, Yang Xiaoxin, and Sun Weizhen. δ18O record and temperature change over the past 100 years in ice cores on the Tibetan Plateau. Science in China (Ser. D), 2006, 49(1):1-9.Yao Tandong, Li Zexia, L.G. Thompson, E. Mosley-Thompson, Wang Youqing, Tian Lide, Wang Ninglian, and Duan Keqin. δ18O records form Tibetan ice cores revealed differences in climatic changes. Annals of Glaciology, 2006, 43: 1-7.Yao Tandong and Yang Meixue. ENSO events recorded in Tibetan ice cores. Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research, 2004, 9: 163-180.Yao Tandong, Liu Shiyin and Pu Jianchen. Changing glaciers in High Asia, In: Glaciers and Earth’s Changing Environment, 2004, Black-Well Publisher, 65-78.Yao Tandong, Wang Youqing, Liu Shiying, Pu Jianchen, Shen Yongping, and Lu Anxin. Glacial retreat in High Asia in China and its impact on water resource in Northwest China. Science in China (Ser. D), 2004, 47(12): 1065-1075.Yao Tandong, Wu Guangjian, Pu Jianchen, et al. Relationship between Calcium and atmospheric dust recorded in Guliya ice core. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004, 49(7): 706-710.Yao Tandong, Duan Keqin, Xu Bauqing, Wang Ninglian, Pu Jianchen, Kang Shichang, Qin Xiang, and L.G. Thompson. Temperature and methane changes over the past 1000 years recorded in Dasuopu glacier (central Himalaya) ice core. Annals of Glaciology, 2002, 35: 379-383.Yao Tandong, Duan Keqin, Xu Baiqin, et al. Temperature and methane records over last 2ka in Dasuopu ice core. Science in China (Series D), 2002, 45(12): 1068-1074.Yao Tandong, Liu Xiaodong, Wang Ninglian, Shi Yafeng, Amplitude of climatic changes in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2000, 45(13): 1236-1243.Yao Tandong, Valerie Masson, Jean Jouzel, Michel Stievenard, Sun Weizhen, and Jiao Keqin. Relationships between δ18O in precipitation and surface air temperature in the Urumqi River Basin, east Tianshan Mountains, China. Geophysical Research Letters, 1999, 26(23): 3,473-3,476.Yao Tandong. High-resolution climatic record from Tibetan ice cores. Interactions between the cryosphere, climate and greenhouse gases. IAHS Publ., 1999, 256: 227-234.Yao Tandong, Abrupt climatic changes on the Tibetan Plateau during the Last Ice Age--- Comparative study of the Guliya ice core with the Greenland GRIP ice core. Science in China (Series D), 1999, 42(4): 358-368.Yao Tandong, Pu Jianchen, Wang Ninlian, and Tian Lide. A new type of ice formation zone found in the Himalayas. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1999, 44(5): 469-473.Yao Tandong, Thompson LG,New achievements in glaciology in Tibet, China,Chinese Science Bulletin, 1998, 43(14):1231-1232.Yao Tandong, Shi Yafeng, and L.G. Thompson. High resolution record of paleoclimate since the Little Ice Age from the Tibetan ice cores. Quaternary International, 1997, 37: 19-23.Yao Tandong, Thompson L G, Qin Dahe et al. Variations in temperature and preipitation in the past 2000 years on the Xizang (Tibet) Plateau--Guliya ice core record. Sciences in China, 1997, 39(4): 425-433.Yao Tandong, Thompson L G, Shi Yafeng et al., Climatic changes since the Last Interglacial recorded in the Guliya ice core. Science in China (series D), 1997, 40(6): 662-668.Yao Tandong, Wang Ninglian. Ice core study--The past, the present and the future. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1997, 42(13): 1057-1065.Yao Tandong, L.G.Thompson, Qin Dahe, Tian Lide, Jiao Keqin, Yang Zhihong, and Xie Chao. Variations in temperature and precipitation in the past 2000 years on the Xizang (Tibet) Plateau —Guliya ice core record, Sciences in China (Ser. D), 1996, 39(4): 425-433.Yao Tandong, L.G. Thmpson, E. Mosley-Thompson, and Yang Zhihong. Climatological significance of δ18O in north Tibetan ice cores. Journal of Geophysical Research, 1996, 101(D23): 29,531-29,537.Yao Tandong, Jiao Keqin, Tian Lide et al. Climatic variations since the Little Ice Age recorded in the Guliya Ice Core. Science in China, 1996, 39(6): 588-596.Yao Tandong, Jiao Keqin, Tian Lide, et al. Climate and environment records in Guliya Ice Cap. Science in China (B), 1995, 38(2): 228-237.Yao Tandong, Qin Dahe. Distribution of stable isotopes in Antarctic surface snow. Chinese science Bulletin, 1995, 41(11): 921-925.Yao Tandong, Thompson L G, Jiao Keqin, et al. Recent warming as recorded in the Qinghai-Tibetan cryosphere. Annals of Glaciology, 1995, 21: 196-200.Yao Tandong, “Asian dust transportation and global coupling system revealed from ice core records”, Paleoclimate and Environmental variability in Austral-Asian Transect during the Past 2000 years, Proceedings of the 1995 Nagoya IGBP-PAGES/PEP-2, Symposium, Nagoya University, 1995, 76-83.Yao Tandong, Thompson L G. Trends and features of climatic changes in the past 5000 years redorded by the Dunde ice core. Annals of Glaciology, 1992, 16: 21-24.Yao Tandong, Xie Zichu, Yang Qingzhao, and L.G. Thonpson. Temperature and precipitation fluctuations since 1600 A.D. provided by the Dunde Ice Cap, China. IAHS Publ., 1991, 208: 61-70.Yao Tandong, Xie Zichu, Wu Xiaoling, Thompson LG. Climatic Change since the Little Ice Age recorded by Dunde Ice Cap. Science in China (B), 1991, 34(6): 760-767.Yao Tandong, Shi Yafeng. Fluctuations and future trend of climate, glaciers and discharge of Urumqi River in Xingjiang. Science in China (series B), 1990, 33(4): 504-512.Yao Tandong. The glacial and hydrological regime under climatic influence in the Urumqi River, northwest China. IAHS Publ. 1987, 168: 367-377.学术交流1993年以来,姚檀栋先后被特邀在瑞士、日本、尼泊尔、台湾等国家和地区召开的相关国际学术会议上做专题报告
2009年,姚檀栋主导发起了第三极环境(Third Pole Environment-TPE)国际计划,这是首个由中国科学家在该领域发起的一个重要国际计划
2011年,TPE计划被列为联合国教科文组织-环境规划署-环境问题科学委员会(UNESCO-UNEP- SCOPE)共同支持的旗舰项目