论文代表:1. Zhang Q., Ma H., Mai K., Zhang W., Liufu L., Xu W., 2010. Interaction of dietary Bacillus subtilis and fructooligosaccharide on the growth performance, non-specific immunity of sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 29(2): 204-211. (SCI, IF 2.892)2. Wu C., Mai K., Zhang W., Ai Q., Wei X., Wang X., Ma H., Liufu Z., 2010. Molecular cloning, characterization and mRNA expression of selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase from abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino in response to dietary selenium, zinc and iron. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C, 152(2):121-132. (SCI, IF 2.582)3. Wang W., Mai K., Zhang W., Ai Q., Yao C., Li H., Liufu Z., 2009. Effects of dietary copper on survival, growth and immune response of juvenile abalone, Haliotis discus hannai Ino. Aquaculture, 295, 271–274 (SCI, IF 1.925).4. Mai K., Xiao L., Ai Q., Wang X., Xu W., Zhang W., Liufu Z., Ren M., 2009. Dietary choline requirement for juvenile cobia, Rachycentron canadum. Aquaculture, 289:124-128 (SCI, IF 1.925).5. Li P., Mai K., Trushenski J., Wu G., 2008. New developments in fish amino acid nutrition: towards functional and environmentally oriented aquafeeds. Amino Acids, DOI 10.1007/s00726-008-0171-1, 37(1):43-53 (SCI). (SCI, IF 3.877)6. Chen J., Mai K., Ma H., Wang X., Deng D., Liu X., Xu W., Liufu Z., Zhang W., Tan B., Ai Q., 2007. Effects of dissolved oxygen on survival and immune responses of scallop (Chlamys farreri Jones et Preston ). Fish & Shellfish Immunology 22:272-281. (SCI, IF 2.892).7. Ai Q., Mai K., Zhang L., Tan B., Zhang W., Xu W., Li H., 2007. Effects of dietary ?-1, 3 glucan on innate immune response of large yellow croaker, Pseudosciaena croce. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 22:394-402. (SCI, IF 2.892).8. Ai Q., Mai K., Zhang W., Xu W., Tan B., Zhang C., Li H., 2007. Effects of exogenous enzymes (phytase, non-starch polysaccharide enzyme) in diets on growth, feed utilization, nitrogen and phosphorus excretion of Japanese seabass, Lateolabrax japonicus. Comp. Biochem. & Physiol., A-Molecular & Integrative Physiol., 147: 502-508 (SCI, IF 2.196).9. Mai K., Wan J., Ai Q., Xu W., Liufu Z., Zhang L., Zhang C., Li Huitao., 2006. Dietary methionine requirement of large yellow croaker, Pseudosciaena crocea R. Aquaculture, 253:564-572. (SCI, IF 1.925)10. Mai K., Zhang C., Ai Q., Duan Q., Xu W., Zhang L., Liufu Z., Tan B.,2006. Dietary phosphorus requirement of large yellow croaker, Pseudosciaena crocea R. Aquaculture, 251:346-353 (SCI, IF 1.925). 授权专利据2021年8月中国工程院官网显示,麦康森先后获授权国家发明专利32项
专利项目属性编号一种刺参用复合免疫增强剂发明专利200910231576.8一种高通量快速筛选刺参免疫增强剂的方法发明专利200910016374.1一种提高对虾苗种成活率的方法发明专利200810158016.x一种淡水鱼苗用复合免疫增强剂发明专利200810158015.5一种罗非鱼用强肝剂发明专利200810158014.0一种大菱鲆鱼用诱食剂发明专利200810138405.6一种牙鲆仔稚鱼用复合免疫增强剂发明专利200510042296.4一种牙鲆仔稚鱼用复合中草药免疫增强剂发明专利00510042295.x一种鱼类高效复合蛋白及其制备方法和应用发明专利200410036581.0一种强化蟹膏成色的梭子蟹配合饲料发明专利200410018440.6 科技奖励据2021年7月湖南农业大学官网显示,麦康森先后获国家和省部级科技奖励10项,国际奖励1项
时间研究项目所获奖励获奖人员作者排名1988年对虾营养生理及配合饵料(84-1号)配方的研究农业部科技进步二等奖排名第四1991年对虾的营养与配合饲料的研究国家教委科技进步奖 一等奖排名第四1996年对虾的营养与配合饲料的研究国家教委科技进步(推广类)一等奖排名第四2003年鲍鱼营养学的研究教育部科学技术 (自然科学) 一等奖排名第一2005年海水养殖鱼类营养研究和高效无公害饲料开发教育部科技进步一等奖排名第一2006年主要海水养殖动物的营养学研究和饲料开发国家科技进步二等奖麦康森、李爱杰、谭北平、张文兵、艾庆辉、徐玮、刘付志国、马洪明、梁英、孙世春 排名第一