



 1) Fluid regime in continental subduction zones: petrological insights from ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks - Journal of the Geological Society - 200907 - 166: 763-7822) Geochemistry of continental subduction-zone fluids. - Earth, Planets and Space - 201410 - 66: 933) Chemical geodynamics of continental subduction-zone metamorphism: Insights from studies of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) core samples - Tectonophysics - 200909 - 475: 327-3584) Introduction to tectonics of China - Gondwana Research - 201303 - 23: 1189-12065) Zircon U-Pb age and O isotope evidence for Neoproterozoic low-18O magmatism during supercontinental rifting in South China: implications for the snowball Earth event - American Journal of Science - 200808 - 308: 484-5166) Metamorphic chemical geodynamics in continental subduction zones - Chemical Geology - 201210 - 328: 5-487) Rift melting of juvenile arc-derived crust: geochemical evidence from Neoproterozoic volcanic and granitic rocks in the Jiangnan Orogen, South China - Precambrian Research - 200804 - 163: 351-3838) Partial melting, fluid supercriticality and element mobility in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks during continental collision - Earth-Science Reviews, - 201108 - 107: 342-3749) Tectonic driving of Neoproterozoic glaciations: Evidence from extreme oxygen isotope signature of meteoric water in granite - Earth and Planetary Science Letters - 200708 - 256: 196-21010) Contrasting zircon Hf and O isotopes in the two episodes of Neoproterozoic granitoids in South China: implications for growth and reworking of continental crust - Lithos - 200705 - 96: 127-150. 承担项目郑永飞曾主持完成若干国家级重点项目,包括国家973项目“深俯冲地壳的化学变化与差异折返”首席科学家(2009—2013),国家973项目“大陆俯冲带壳幔相互作用”首席科学家(2015—2019),国家自然科学基金优秀创新群体项目“大陆俯冲带化学地球动力学”(2010—2015)和重大项目“地球内部水的分布和效应”(2016—2020)负责人


