赵以炳主要论著1 Chao I.Action of electrolytes on the dorsal median nerve of the Limulusheart.Biological Bulletin,1933(64):358—382.2 Chao I.Paradox phenomena in the cardiac ganglion of Limulus polyphemus.Biological Bulletin,1934(66):102—114.3 Chao I.The influence of neutral sodium-salt solutions on chemicalstimulation.Am J physiology,1934(109):550—560.4 Chao I.The cold stimulation and the influence of neutral sodium-salt solutions on the cold stimulation.Am J physiology,1934(109):561—568.5 Chao I.Hydrogen ion concentration and the rhythmic activity of thenerve cells in the ganglion of the Limulus heart.Biol Bull,1935(68):69—73.6 Chao I.Action of electrolytes on electrical stimulation of skeletal muscle.J Cell and Physiol,1935,6(1):1—19.7 Chao I.Action of calciumandcurare on muscle contraction and neuro-muscular transmission.Chinese J Physiol,1936(10):545—546.8 Chao I.Osmotic pressure and muscular contraction.Chinese J Physiol,1936(10):547—558.9 Chao I.Influence of electrolyte content on muscular contractility,irritability and neuromuscular transmission.Chinese J Physiol,1937(11):237—246.10 Chao I,Chen K T.Osmotic properties of isolated amphibian skeletal muscle.Chinese J Physiol,1937(11):253—270.11 Chao I.Reaction of amphibian skeletal muscle to calcium ion and theionization of calcium citrate.Chinese J Physiol,1937(12):101—107.12 Chao I.Action of the chlorides of the alkali earth metals on muscularcontraction.Chinese J Physiol,1939(14):449—455.13 Chao I,Wang Chinchun,Lin Tsung Min.Notes on certain physiological difference between the frog and the toad.Chinese J Exp Biol,1940(1):339—344.14 Chu Tsung Lin,Chin Ta Hsun,ChaoI.The red cell count of normal male and female subjects in Kunming.Chinese J Exp Biol,1940(1):345—348.15 Chen Keng Tao,ChaoI.Determination of the surface area of salamander.Chinese J Exp Biol,1940(1):349—352.16 Chao I,Chang Yu Tuan,Chen Ken Tao.Water regulation in the salamander.Sci Rep Nat Tsing Hua Univ,B,1947(3):75—87.17 Chao I,Shang Chin Er.Studies on the respiration of the salamander.Ⅲ.Oxygen consumption by the cutaneous respiration and the asphyxiation point.Sci Rep Nat Tsing Hua Univ, B,1947(3):106—113.18 Chao I,Yeh C J.Hibernation of the hedgehog.I.Body temperature regulation.Chin J P hysiol,1950(17):343—378.19 Chao I,Yeh C J.Hibernation of the hedgehog.Ⅱ.Respiratory patterns.Chin J Physiol,1950(17):379—390.20 Chao I,Yeh C J.Temperature and activity of the excied perfused heart of the hedgehog.Chin J Physiol,1951(18):17—30.21 Chao I,Zhao M,Wei J et al.Cardiac transmembrane potentials inground squirrel at freezing temperatures(Abstract No.138.21)1983.Proceedings of the International Union of Physiological Sciences,V.XV:52,1983,XXIXth Congress,Sydney,Australia,Aug 28 to Sept3,1983.22 Liu B,Zhao M,Chao I.Effect of cold on transmembrane potentialsincardiac cells of the hedgehog.J therm Biol,1987,12(2):77—80.23 Чжао Ибин.Впияние измемений Функционапъного состояния корыголовного Mозганавн ешнесекреторную Фун кциюподжелудочнойжелезыина всасывание в тонком кишечнике.Проблемы физиологии централънойнервной системы,AHCCCP,1957,591—598.24 赵以炳,叶甲壬.刺猬冬眠的人工改变.Ⅱ.在冬眠季节用高温防止冬眠的出现.北京大学学报(自然科学),1955(1):135—142.25 赵以炳,叶甲壬.雌刺猬的生殖与其周期性活动.北京大学学报(自然科学),1956(2):367—376.26 苏沃洛夫,赵以炳.北京大学人体及动物生理学教研室1954—1956在人和动物高级神经活动生理方向的综合研究报告.北京大学学报(自然科学),1956(2):517—543.27 北京大学生物学系人体及动物生理学教研室(赵以炳执笔).狗从体温极低状态的恢复.北京大学学报(自然科学),1959,5(1):99—102.28 北京大学生物学系人体及动物生理学教研室.20℃以下低体温及低体温性临床死亡对狗的高级神经活动的影响.北京大学学报(自然科学),1960,6(2):211—215.29 蔡益鹏,孙久荣,赵以炳等.刺猬的皮肌及其神经支配.动物学报,1982,28(3):226—232.30 赵以炳.人体及动物生理学.北京大学推荐交流讲义.北京:高教部教材编审处,1953.31 赵以炳.高级神经活动生理学基础.北京:科学出版社,1957.32 赵以炳.《生理学》第二、四章.北京:人民卫生出版社,1959.33 赵以炳主编.基础生理学.北京:人民教育出版社,1979.34 赵以炳.编者的话.巴甫洛夫高级神经活动杂志译丛,1955年第1号.35 赵以炳.关于培养研究生的经验.北京大学1954—1955学年教学经验讨论会文集,1955.