


开创了场协同原理(Field Synergy)、积理论(Entransy)以及热质理论(Thermomass Theory),建立了热流体学







出版著作截至2010年,过增元共出版了6本著作,具体信息如下 :出版日期书名作者出版社1980.04《等离子体技术》格罗斯等著;过增元,傅维标译科学出版社1986.12《电弧和热等离子体》过增元,赵文华著科学出版社1991.06《Dubbel机械工程手册 第1卷 D 热力学》过增元译清华大学出版社1992.02《热流体学》过增元著清华大学出版社2004.08《场协同原理与强化传热新技术》过增元,黄素逸等著中国电力出版社2010.01《对流传热优化的场协同理论》李志信,过增元科学出版社论文发表截至2005年12月16日,过增元共发表论文300余篇,其中70篇被SCI收录,代表性论文如下 :微纳米尺度流动与传热方面1. BY Cao, M Chen, ZY Guo, Rarefied gas flow in rough microchannels by molecular dynamics simulation, Chinese Physics Letters, 2004, 21(9): 1777-1779 (SCI: 851VY)2. XB Luo, ZX Li, ZY Guo, YJ Yang, Study on linearity of a micromachined convective accelerometer, MicroElectron Engineering, 2003, 65(1-2): 87-101 (SCI: 638XM)3. ZY Guo, ZX Li, Size effect on microscale single-phase flow and heat transfer, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2003, 46: 149-159 (SCI: 617FA)4. ZX Li, DX Du, ZY Guo, Experimental study on flow characteristics of liquid in circular microtubes, Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 2003, 7(3): 253-2655. XB Luo, ZX Li, ZY Guo, YJ Yang, Thermal optimization on micromachined convective accelerometer, Heat and Mass transfer, 2002, 38(7-8): 705-712 (SCI: 593LV)6. W Wang, ZX Li, ZY Guo, Analysis of thermal cycling in micro-PCR chip, Int. J. Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2002, 3: 233-236 (SCI: 574RR)7. G Pelata, ZY Guo, ZX Li, G Zummo, Section 2.13.2 “Single-phase fluid flow”, in section 2.13 “Heat transfer and fluid flow in microchannels” (eds. G Pelata and G Zummo), Heat Exchanger Design Update, the Update Journal of the Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, HEDU update section, 2002, 9(1-2)8. DX Du, ZX Li, ZY Guo, Friction resistance for gas flow in smooth microtubes, Science in China (Series E), April 2000, 43(2): 171-177 (SCI: 309AJ). 杜东兴,李志信,过增元,微细光滑管内气体流动阻力特性,中国科学(E辑),2000,30(2):173-1789. ZY Guo, XB Wu, Further study on compressibility effects on the gas flow and heat transfer in a micro-tube, Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 1998, 2(2): 111-120 (SCI: ZU013)10. 曹炳阳,陈民,过增元,2DMD应用于微通道内气体流动研究,科学通报,2004,49(10):930-93311. 王玮,葛峰,李志信,过增元,壁面轴向导热对微细管内对流换热的影响,工程热物理学报,2003,24(5): 846-84812. 李娜,李志信,过增元,封闭空间内小尺度等温竖板自然对流的三维效应,上海理工大学学报,2003,25(3):218-22013. 罗小兵,李志信,过增元,一种新型无阀微泵的原理和模拟,中国机械工程,2002,13(15):1261-1263场协同节能理论与传热强化技术方面1. JA Meng, ZJ Chen, ZX Li, ZY Guo, Field-coordination analysis and numerical study on turbulent convective heat transfer enhancement, J. Enhanced Heat Transfer, 2005, 12(1): 73-832. ZZ Xia, XG Cheng, ZX Li, Guo ZY, Bionic optimization of heat transport paths for heat conduction problems, J. Enhanced Heat Transfer, 2004, 11(2): 119-131 (SCI: 832OT)3. ZY Guo, S Wei, XG Cheng, A novel method to improve the performance of heat exchanger - Temperature fields coordination of fluids, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004, 49(1): 111-114(SCI: 774KZ)4. LJ Yang, JX Ren, YZ Song, JC Min, ZY Guo, Convection heat transfer enhancement of air in a rectangular duct by application of a magnetic quadrupole field, Int. J. Engineering Science, 2004, 42(5-6): 491-507 (SCI: 770NW)5. LJ Yang, JX Ren, YZ Song, ZY Guo, Free convection of a gas induced by a magnetic quadrupole field, J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2003, 261(3): 377-384 (SCI: 667QE)6. ZY Guo, SQ Zhou, ZX Li, LG Chen, Theoretical analysis and experimental confirmation of the uniformity principle of temperature difference field in heat exchanger, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2002, 45(10): 2119-2127 (SCI: 551TN)7. S Wang, ZY Guo, ZX Li, Heat transfer enhancement by using metallic filament insert in channel flow, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 2001, 44: 1373-1378 (SCI: 406HA)8. ZY Guo, Mechanism and control of convective heat transfer - Coordination of velocity and heat flow fields, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2001, 46 (7): 596-599 (SCI: 429ZY)9. ZY Guo, DY Li, BX Wang, A novel concept for convective heat transfer enhancement, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 1998, 41(14): 2221-2225 (SCI: ZP109)10. 孟继安,陈泽敬,李志信,过增元,交叉缩放椭圆管换热与流阻实验研究及分析,工程热物理学报,2004,25(5):813-81511. 程新广,李志信,过增元, 基于最小热量传递势容耗散原理的导热优化,工程热物理学报,2003,24(1):94-9612. 魏澍,过增元,二维方腔内对流换热的场协同分析,工程热物理学报,2003,24(3):466-46813. 过增元,程新广,夏再忠,最小热量传递势容耗散原理及其在导热优化中的应用,科学通报,2003,48(1):21-2514. 过增元,换热器中的场协同原则及其应用,机械工程学报,2003,15. 过增元,魏澍,程新广,换热器强化的场协同原则,科学通报,2003,48(22):2324-232716. 程新广,夏再忠,李志信,过增元,导热优化:热耗散与最优导热系数场,工程热物理学报,2002,23:715-71717. 过增元,对流换热的物理机制及其控制:速度场与热流场的协同,科学通报,2000,45(19):2118-2122传热传质过程的分子动力学模拟方面1. BY Cao, M Chen, ZY Guo, Application of 2DMD to gaseous microflows, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004, 49(11): 1101-1105 (SCI: 846CU)2. ZJ Wang, M Chen, ZY Guo, A molecular study on the liquid-vapor interphase transport, Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 2003, 7(4): 275-289 (SCI: 746DW)3. XL Feng, ZX LI, ZY Guo, Molecular dynamics simulation of thermal conductivity of nanoscale thin silicon films, Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 2003, 7(2): 153-161 (SCI: 706NU)4. ZJ Wang, M Chen, ZY Guo, A two-dimensional molecular dynamics simulation of liquid-vapor nucleation, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 48(7): 623-626 (SCI: 670MC)5. ZJ Wang, M Chen, ZY Guo, Modified transition state theory for evaporation and condensation, Chinese Physics Letters, 2002, 19(4): 537-539 (SCI: 552AZ)6. XL Feng, ZX Li, ZY Guo, Size effect of lattice thermal conductivity across nanoscale thin films by molecular dynamics simulations, Chinese Physics Letters, 2001, 18(3): 416-418 (SCI: 417RM)7. YK Guo, ZY Guo, XG Liang, Three-dimensional molecular dynamics simulation on heat propagation in liquid argon, Chinese Physics Letters, 2001, 18(1): 71-73. (SCI: 397YD)8. M Chen, ZY Guo, XG Liang, Molecular simulation of some thermophysical properties and phenomena, Microscale Thermal Engineering, 2001, 5(1): 1-16 (SCI: 408GM)9. M Chen, C Yang, ZY Guo, Surface tension of Ni-Cu alloys: A molecular simulation approach, Int. J. Thermophysics, 2001, 22(4): 1295-1302 (SCI: 469YV)10. ZJ Wang, M Chen, ZY Guo, C Yang, Molecular dynamics study on the liquid-vapor interfacial profiles, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2001, 183: 321-329 (SCI: 461WB)11. C Yang, M Chen, ZY Guo, Molecular dynamics simulations on specific heat capacity and glass transition temperature of liquid silver, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2001, 46(12): 1051-1053 (SCI: 458KQ)12. C Yang, M Chen, ZY Guo, BB Wei, Hypercooling and the specific heat capacity of Cu-Ni alloy, Chinese Physics Letters, 2001, 18(1): 126-128 (SCI: 397YD)13. ZY Guo, DX Xiong, C Yang, M Chen, ZX Li, Continuous liquid-vapor phase transition in microspace, Int. J. Thermal Science, 2000, 39(4): 481-489 (SCI: 306VZ)14. 曹炳阳,陈民,过增元,纳米通道滑移流动的分子动力学研究,工程热物理学报,2003,24(4):670-67215. 王金照,陈民,过增元,液相中气相成核的二维分子动力学模拟,科学通报,2003,48(2):125-1282009年,论文《Thefield synergy (coordination) principle and its applications in enhancingsingle phase convective heat transfer》获得《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》最高引用论文奖 

科研成果奖励过增元作为学术领导人和组织者,所主持的多项科研成果获国家级和部委级奖励,具体如下 :多年来从事传热传质学、热等离子体、热流体学和微尺度流动与传热等方面的研究工作

作为第一完成人曾获国家自然科学二等奖(2012) 、三等奖(1995)各一项、国家科技进步二等奖(2004)一项和北京市教学成果一等奖等奖励




