





科技成果奖励时间项目名称奖项名称1988年正电子湮没对材料微观缺陷、相变的理论和实验研究国家教育委员会科技进步二等奖“在国家高技术研究发展计划'八五’期间的实施工作中做出贡献"奖国家教育委员会科技进步二等奖1990年半导体合金、无序系统的超晶格的电子结构1994年电子结构与材料微观结构设计1998年低维量子结构的物理性质及计算设计教育部科技进步二等奖2000年低维结构的量子特征及计算设计研究国家自然科学奖二等奖复合钙钛矿结构材料中有序-无序相变规律及其影响的研究中国高校科学技术奖一等奖资料来源: 曾获得何梁何利基金科技进步奖(2002)、国家自然科学奖二等奖(2000、2014) 代表性论文据2018年2月清华大学官网信息显示,顾秉林已发表学术论文220余篇,其中SCI论文200余篇

1. Lu Zhao,Peizhe Tang,Bing-Lin Gu,and Wenhui Duan, Field-Effect Birefringent Spin Lens in Ultrathin Film of Magnetically Doped Topological Insulators,Physical Review Letters 111,116601(2013)2. Yuanchang Li,Pengcheng Chen,Gang Zhou,Jia Li,Jian Wu,Bing-Lin Gu,S. B. Zhang,and Wenhui Duan,Dirac Fermion in Strongly-Bound Graphene Systems,Physical Review Letters 109,206802(2012)3. Bing Huang,Miao Liu,Ninghai Su,Jian Wu,Wenhui Duan,Bing-Lin Gu,and Feng Liu,Quantum Manifestations of Graphene Edge Stress and Edge Instability: A First-Principles Study,Physical Review Letters 102,166404(2009)(Editors' suggestion)4. Jia Li,Gang Zhou,Ying Chen,Bing-Lin Gu,and Wenhui Duan,Magnetism of C Adatoms on BN Nanostructures: Implications for Functional Nanodevices,Journal of the American Chemical Society 131(5),1796-1801(2009)5. Zuanyi Li,Haiyun Qian,Jian Wu,Bing-Lin Gu,and Wenhui Duan,Role of symmetry in the transport properties of graphene nanoribbons under bias,Physical Review Letters 100,206802(2008)6. Shaogang Hao,Gang Zhou,Wenhui Duan,Jian Wu,and Bing-Lin Gu,Transverse pressure induced phase transitions in boron nitride nanotube bundles and the lightest boron nitride crystal,Journal of the American Chemical Society 130,5257(2008)7. Qimin Yan,Bing Huang,Jie Yu,Fawei Zheng,Ji Zang,Jian Wu,Bing-Lin Gu,Feng Liu* and Wenhui Duan,Intrinsic Current-Voltage Characteristics of Graphene Nanoribbon Transistors and Effect of Edge Doping,Nano Letters 7(6),1469(2007)8. Hao Chang,Jian Wu,Feng Liu,Bing-Lin Gu,and Wenhui Duan,Physical origin of hydrogen-adsorption-induced metallization of the SiC surface: n-type doping via formation of hydrogen bridge bond,Physical Review Letters 95,196803(2005)9.Jun-Qiang Lu,Jian Wu,Wenhui Duan,and Bing-Lin Gu Effects of finite deformed length in carbon nanotubes Applied Physics Letters 84,4203(2004)10. Jun-Qiang Lu,Jian Wu,Wenhui Duan,Feng Liu,Bang-Fen Zhu,and Bing-Lin Gu Metal-to-semiconductor transition in squashed armchair carbon nanotubes Physical Review Letters 90,156601(2003)11. Ningdong Huang,Zhirong Liu,Zhongqing Wu,Jian Wu,Wenhui Duan,and Bing-Lin Gu Huge enhancement of electromechanical responses in compositionally modulated Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 Physical Review Letters 91,067602(2003)12. Gang Zhang,Wenhui Duan,and Bing-Lin Gu Effect of substitutional atoms in the tip on field-emission properties of capped carbon nanotubes Applied Physics Letters 80,2589(2002)13. Gang Zhou,Wenhui Duan,and Bing-Lin Gu Electronic structure and field-emission characteristics of open-ended single-walled carbon nanotubes Physical Review Letters 87,095504(2001)14. Zhi-Rong Liu,Bing-Lin Gu,and Xiao-Wen Zhang Eight-potential-well order-disorder ferroelectric model and effects of random fields Applied Physics Letters 77,3447(2000)

