在2009 I-SWEEEP中,中国代表队成绩仅次于东道主美国队,具体情况如下:沈硕文沈志文男 男上海宝山实验学校初三Research on Automatic Parking System Controlled by Mobile Phone荣誉奖周月娣何思佳李修能女 女上海延安中学上海延安中学高一高一The effects of two kinds of detergents and two heavy metal ions on the growth and development of Daphnia carinata 银奖朱守晨李弘基男上海中学高一Intelligent indoor air purification machine铜奖郑思晨朱淼融男上海杨浦高级中学高二Mercuric chloride-induced ultraweak luminescence changes of Chlorella Vulgaris金奖岑瑞宝朱俊铭男上海南洋模范中学高二Precaution System for Being Drowned in the Natatorium金奖葛智伟龚章孝文男上海西南位育中学高三A Vehicle Biker Detection System金奖、工程总冠军奖陆梅东朱恬骅男上海向明中学高三General RFID Application Software Suite:A Software Platform of High Compatibility with Useful Add-ins and its Practice in Public Health银奖励颖卫绮骐陈宇鹏女男上海南洋模范中学上海南洋模范中学高三Solar energy ecological-restore-system on rivers银奖吴国华陈灏女上海建青实验学校高三Factory discharging fume monitoring system based on digital image processing technology荣誉奖张卫平陈菲女上海向明中学高二A new energy-saving air condition water heater铜奖王捷