截至2017年5月,牛津大学现有4个学部:人文学部(Humanities)社会科学部(Scocial Sciences)数学物理和生命科学学部(Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences)医学科学学部(Medical Sciences)学部下设独立的中心和研究所等
研究机构人文学科部(Humanities)Faculty of Classics/古典学院Faculty of English Language and Literature/英语言文学院Faculty of History/历史学院Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics and Phonetics Laboratory/语言学院Faculty of Medieval and Modern LanguagesFaculty of Music/音乐学院Faculty of Oriental Studies/东方学院Faculty of Philosophy/哲学院The Oxford Research Centre in the HumanitiesRothermere American InstituteRuskin School of ArtFaculty of Theology and Religion/神学院Voltaire Foundation数学、物理和生命科学部(Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences)Begbroke Science ParkDepartment of ChemistryDepartment of Computer ScienceDepartment of Earth SciencesDepartment of Engineering ScienceOxford e-Research CentreMathematical InstituteDepartment of MaterialsDepartment of PhysicsDepartment of Plant SciencesDepartment of StatisticsDepartment of Zoology医学部(Medical Sciences)Department of BiochemistryNuffield Department of Clinical MedicineNuffield Department of Clinical NeurosciencesDepartment of Experimental PsychologyRadcliffe Department of MedicineNuffield Department of Obstetrics and GynaecologyDepartment of OncologyNuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal SciencesDepartment of PaediatricsSir William Dunn School of PathologyDepartment of PharmacologyDepartment of Physiology, Anatomy and GeneticsNuffield Department of Population HealthNuffield Department of Primary Health Care Health SciencesDepartment of PsychiatryNuffield Department of Surgical Sciences社会科学部(Scocial Sciences)School of Anthropology and Museum EthnographySchool of Archaeology/考古学院Blavatnik School of GovernmentDepartment of Economics/经济学院Department of Education/教育学院School of Geography and the EnvironmentSchool of Interdisciplinary Area StudiesDepartment of International DevelopmentOxford Internet InstituteFaculty of Law/法学院Oxford Martin SchoolDepartment of Politics and International Relations/政治与国际关系学院Saïd Business School 牛津大学赛德商学院Department of Social Policy and InterventionDepartment of Sociology/社会学院(参考资料 )