西雅图大学工程学院COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING生物学,生物化学,化学,社区和环境工程,计算机科学/软件设计,超频率声波诊断,计算机工程,科学通论,数学,机械工程,物理学,医学预科和牙科预科,公共医疗卫生服务预科The College of Science and Engineering is “the STEM college” at Seattle University, with more than a dozen majors spanning the fields of science, health, mathematics, computer science, and engineering. The College is dedicated to preparing students for responsible roles in their chosen professions and to advancing the educational qualifications of practicing professionals. Rooted in the Jesuit tradition of liberal education, the College seeks to foster among all Seattle University students an understanding of scientific inquiry and a critical appreciation of technological change, and to inspire them to lifelong intellectual, professional, and human growth.