
关西学院大学办学校训关西学院校训“Mastery for Service”一般译为“为了奉献的练达”,体现着为服务于社区、社会、世界而锻炼自己的关学学子精神

“Mastery for Service,”the school motto of Kwansei Gakuin reflects the ideal for all its members to master their abundant God-given gifts to serve their neighbors, society and the world.关西学院作为基于基督教主义的“学习与探究之共同体”,以指导所有关学学子能找到终生目标、培育以宽容体恤高风亮节风貌改革社会从而体现“Mastery for Service”校训精神、有创意、有才干的“世界市民”为使命

Kwansei Gakuin, as a learning community based on the principles of Christianity, inspires its members to seek their life missions, and cultivates them to be creative and capable world citizens who embody its motto,“Mastery for Service,”by transforming society with compassion and integrity. 

