
西部资源环境地理信息技术教育部工程研究中心简介本中心在现任主任云南师范大学信息学院院长杨昆教授的带领下,已经发展成为具有固定工作人员85人 (博士学位78人),其中教授20人,副教授30人,在读博士研究生15人,硕士研究生86人的大型科研团队

同时本中心也拥有“地图学与地理信息系统”一个博士学位授权点,以及 “地图制图学与地理信息工程”、“地图学与地理信息系统”、"农业信息化"、“计算机应用技术”和“软件工程”5个硕士学位授权点


先后出版学术专著10余部、在国内外重要学术期刊发表学术论文200多篇(其中SCI 、 EI 、 ISTP三大检索文章到达150余篇)、获得软件著作权登记30余项、在警用地理信息系统建设方面主持研制国家行业技术标准1部


Under the leadership of the current director Prof. Yang Kun, who is the dean of the School of Information Science and Technology, the center has become a big research team, where 85 faculties (78 people have PhD degree), 20 professors, 30 associate professors, 15 PhD students and 86 Master students are working in. Moreover, The center offers one PhD program in cartography and geographic information systems, and four Master programs in cartography and geographic information engineering, cartography and geographic information systems, computer science and technology, and software engineering.Since its establishment, the center has undertaken more than 100 projects from National 973 Projects , National 863 Projects, National Science and Technology Support Projects, National Science and Technology Benefit Projects, National Natural Science Funds, etc, and accumulated the research founding around 90 million RMB. The center has published more than 10 books, over 200 articles (over 150 papers indexed by SCI, EI and ISTP) in domestic and international academic journals and conferences, obtained over 30 copyrights of computer software, and formulated a national technical standard in the police geographic information system. Future, the center will keep striving to be grounded on Yunnan, leading west China and serving southeast Asia. Meanwhile we will keep striving to build the center for an international leading research center, talent cultivation base and technology incubator.主要实验室:u 智能空间信息处理Intelligent Spatial Information Processing Labu 地理过程与环境模拟Geographical Process and EnvironmentalSimulation Labu 遥感技术应用Remote Sensing Technology and ApplicationLabu GIS软件工程GIS Software Engineering Labu 数字化制图绘图Digital Mapping Labu 高性能计算High Performance Computing Labu 移动位置信息服务Location Based Services Labu 资源环境数据共享Resources and Environmental ScienceData Sharing Labu 空间信息与数字技术Spatial Information and DigitalTechnology Labu GIS产业化服务GISIndustry Service Labu 空间数据挖掘与分析Spatial Data Mining and Analysis Labu 虚拟GIS技术Virtual GIS Technology Lab

