Control Many-body Quantum Systems with Restr

报告题目:Control Many-body Quantum Systems with Restricted Operations

报告人:Jing Yang  University of Luxembourg

报告时间:2022年 10月 13日 (周四) 下午 14:00-15:30


报告人简介:Jing Yang received his Ph.D. in 2021 from the University of Rochester. Currently, he was a postdoc fellow in the group of Prof. Adolfo del Campo at the University of Luxembourg since 2021. His recent research topics focus on quantum metrology, quantum controls, one-dimensional integrable models, and open quantum systems.

报告摘要:The role of optimal control theory in science and engineering and its widespread applicability cannot be overemphasized. Despite the extensive study of optimal control theory in quantum information science, when it meets quantum many-body systems, additional challenges may arise: Due to practical limitations, only a limited amount of control operations can be implemented in the laboratory. In this talk, I will discuss the optimal control theory for controlling many-body quantum systems with restricted operations, in the context of quantum sensing and quantum state preparation. For quantum sensing, we show that in a spin chain model the Heisenberg scaling can be still achieved even though the control operations are restricted. For quantum state preparation, we find that when the restricted operators form a closed sub-Lie algebra, the optimal Hamiltonian that minimizes the preparation time takes a simple analytical form.

