时间项目名称奖励名称获奖人员或来源1995年塑料电磁动态塑化挤出设备广东省科学技术进步奖特等奖 1995年塑料电磁动态塑化挤出设备香港蒋氏科技成就奖1996年塑料电磁动态塑化挤出设备广东省“八五”重点科技项目十大科技成就1997年电磁动态塑化挤出成型设备华南理工大学科技进步一等奖1997年聚合物电磁动态塑化挤出方法及设备国家技术发明奖二等奖1997年电磁动态塑化挤出方法及设备第五届中国专利发明创造金奖2001年SJDD系列塑料电磁动态塑化挤出设备中国高等学校科学技术进步奖一等奖2001年"九五"国家重点科技攻关优秀科技成果奖2002年聚合物电磁动态注射成型方法及设备教育部技术发明奖一等奖2003年SJDD425-PL1100型电磁动态塑化挤出平膜扁丝机组汕头市科学技术进步二等奖2003年中国专利发明创造优秀奖2003年广东省专利发明创造金奖2005年第十五届全国发明展览会金奖2005年广东省科学技术进步奖二等奖2006年塑料动态成型加工技术与装备国家科学技术进步奖二等奖瞿金平、何和智、吴宏武、周南桥、晋刚、曹贤武、文生平、彭响方、宋建、李保银 2008年中国高等学校科学技术发明奖二等奖2008年第六届国际发明展览会金奖2010年塑料短热机械历程塑化加工技术及装备广东省科学技术发明奖一等奖2014年中国专利发明创造金奖2015年基于拉伸流变的高分子材料绿色加工成型技术国家技术发明奖二等奖瞿金平,冯彦洪,殷小春,何和智,杨智韬,晋刚 论文著作&专利发明截至2017年,瞿金平发表SCI收录论文200多篇,出版著作5部,其中《聚合物动态塑化成型加工理论与技术》由伍德海地出版公司发行英文版;获得了一系列技术发明专利权:中国发明专利40多项,美国、欧洲等10多个国家和地区的发明专利权3项
出版著作出版日期名称作者出版社2005.03《聚合物动态塑化成型加工理论与技术 下 技术篇》瞿金平著北京:科学出版社2005.03《聚合物动态塑化成型加工理论与技术 上 理论篇》瞿金平著北京:科学出版社2004《注射成型机使用指南》约翰纳伯,瞿金平北京:化学工业出版社2002.01《华南理工大学“211工程”建设子项目高分子材料及成型技术与装备验收报告》贾德民,瞿金平著广州:华南理工大学出版社2001.10《塑料工业手册 注塑、模压工艺与设备》瞿金平等主编北京:化学工业出版社2001.07《聚合物成型原理及成型技术》瞿金平,胡汉杰主编北京:化学工业出版社1999.07《反应挤出 原理与实践》(美)马里诺·赞索斯编著;瞿金平等译北京:化学工业出版社期刊论文Feng Yan-Hong,Zhang Da-Wei,Qu Jin-Ping,et al. Rheological properties of sisal fiber/poly(butylene succinate) composites[J]. Polymer Testing,2011,30(1): 124-130.Feng,Yan-Hong,Qu,Jin-Ping,Li,Zhan-Hong1,Shen,Han-Zhi1,Liu,Bin,Yu,Xing-Xing.The effects of temperature and roll pressing on the properties of iPP sheets[J]. Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering,2010,49(11): 1108-1113.Qu JP, Yang ZT, Yin XC, He HZ, Feng YH. Characteristics Study of Polymer Melt Conveying Capacity in Vane Plasticization Extruder[J]. Polymer-plastics Technology and Engineering,2009,(48): 1269-1274.Xian GM,Qu JP ,Zeng BQ. Computer-aided experiment of using real-time small angle light scattering image processing technique for visual characterization flow field of polymer[J]. Polymer Bulletin,2009,62⑶: 345-354.Xu,Gang, Qu,Jin-Ping, Zhou,Jing-Ping. Simulation and experimental study of vibration injection filling based on disk-shaped mold[J]. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites,2009,28(4) : 429-440.Baohua Wei, Jinping Qu, Xu Gang. Synergetic effect on PP/mEPDM blends under vibration force field in tri-screw dynamic mixing extruder[J]. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites,2009,28⒁: 1705-1712.Xian GM,Qu JP ,Zeng BQ. Computer-aided experiment of using real-time small angle light scattering image processing technique for visual characterization flow field of polymer[J]. POLYMER BULLETIN 2009: 62⑶.345-354.Qu JP ,Liu WF, He HZ. The Preparation of Polypropylene/Wollastonite Composites with Tri-screw Dynamic Compounding Extruder[J]. POLYMER-PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING2009: 48⑶: 260-264.Qu JP,Wei BH,Yang ZT,Cai YH. Predictability of Apparent Viscosity in a Vibratory Shearing Flow Field[J]. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 2009: 113⑶: 1560-1565.Xu YQ,Qu JP. Mechanical and Rheological Properties of Epoxidized Soybean Oil Plasticized Poly(lactic acid)[J]. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 2009: 116(2): 3185-3191.Zeng,Guangsheng, Qu,Jinping. Vibrational force field effect on the melting process of a polymer solid against a sliding wall[J]. Polymer Composites 29(11): 1252-1257.Qu,Jinping, Zhang,Xiaoming, Jin,Gang. Orientation kinetics of screw-axial vibration on glass fiber reinforced polypropylene composites[J]. Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering 47(2): 186-198.Qu,Jin-Ping, Zhang,Xiao-Ming. Modeling of coat-hanger die under vibrational extrusion[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 107(2): 1006-1019.Chen,Xuefeng, Qu,Jinping. Extrusion characteristics of round-section dies with VFF[J]. Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering 47(2): 203-208.Zeng GS,Qu JP,Feng YH. Melting Process and Mechanism for Vibration Induced Single-Screw Extruder[J] Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2007,104⑷: 2504-2514.Qu JP,Cai YH. Experimental Studies and Mathematical Modeling of Melt-Pulsed Conveying in Screw Extruders[J],Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering,2006, 45(10): 1137-1142.Qu JP, Zeng GS, FengYH, Jing G, He HZ, Cao XW, Effect of Screw Axial Vibration on Polymer Melting Process in Single-Screw Extruders[J],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2006, 100(5): 3860-3876.Qu JP, Shi BS, Feng YH,He HZ, Dependence of Solids Conveying on Screw Axial Vibration in Single Screw Extruders[J],Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2006, 102(3): 2998-3007.Qu JP,Feng YH,He HZ,Jin G,Cao XW. Effects of the Axial Vibration of Screw on Residence Time Distribution in Single-Screw Extruders[J]. Polymer Engineering and Science,2006,46(2): 198-204.He,Guang Jian, Qu,Jin Ping, Yin,Xiao Chun. Dynamic rheological behavior of polypropylene melts with pulsatile pressure flow in a dynamic capillary rheometer[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science102(2): 1834-1838.瞿金平, 彭响方. 马克思主义哲学在高分子材料成型加工新技术研究中的指导作用[J].华南理工大学学报,2001,3,3(1)