主要学术论文(部分)Zhu HH, Chen PP, Zhuang XY, et al. Assessment and and structural improvement on the performance of soil chamber system of EPB shield assisted with DEM modeling[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2020, 96, 103092.Chen Q, Zhu HH, Ju JW, et al. Stochastic micromechanical predictions for the probabilistic behavior of saturated concrete repaired by the electrochemical deposition method[J]. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2020, 29(3): 435-453.Wang X, Wu W, Zhu HH, et al. The last entrance plane method for contact indeterminacy between convex polyhedral blocks[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 117, 103283.Wu W, Wang X, Zhu HH, et al. Improvements in DDA program for rockslides with local in-circle contact method and modified open-close iteration[J]. Engineering Geology, 2020, 265, 105433.Li XJ, Chen ZY, Chen JQ, Zhu HH. Automatic characterization of rock mass discontinuities using 3D point clouds[J]. Engineering Geology, 2019, 259, 105131.Zhou L, Zhu HH, Yan ZG, et al. Experimental testing on ductile-iron joint panels for high-stiffness segmental joints of deep-buried drainage shield tunnels[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 87: 145-159.Zhou S, Vu-Bac N, Arash B, Zhu HH, et al. Interface Characterization Between Polyethylene/Silica in Engineered Cementitious Composites by Molecular Dynamics Simulation[J]. Molecules, 2019, 24(8): 1497.Chen XQ, Li XJ, Zhu HH*. Condition evaluation of urban metro shield tunnels in Shanghai through multiple indicators multiple causes model combined with multiple regression method[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 85: 170-181.Chen XQ, Dong Q, Zhu HH, et al. Contributions of condition measurements on the latent pavement condition by confirmatory factor analysis[J]. Transportmetrica A-Transport Science, 2019, 15(1): 2-17.Zhang Q, Huang BQ, Zhu HH, et al. Quantitative assessments of the correlations between rock mass rating (RMR) and geological strength index (GSI)[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 83: 73-81.Chen XQ, Zhu HH, Li XJ, et al. Probabilistic performance prediction of shield tunnels in operation through data mining[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019, 44: 819-829.Zhang Q, Zhu HH. Collaborative 3D geological modeling analysis based on multi-source data standard[J]. Engineering Geology, 2018, 246: 233-244.Chen Q, Zhu HH*, Ju J W, et al. Stochastic micromechanical predictions for the effective properties of concrete considering the interfacial transition zone effects[J]. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2018, 27(8): 1252-1271.Chen Q, Zhu HH, Ju JW, et al. A stochastic micromechanical model for fiber-reinforced concrete using maximum entropy principle[J]. Acta Mechanica, 2018, 229(7): 2719-2735.Cai Y, Sun P, Zhu HH, et al. A mixed cover meshless method for elasticity and fracture problems[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 95: 73-103.Zhu HH, Zhang GC, Cai YC. Locking-free triangular plate element using polynomial incompatible approximation for analysis of cracked thick–thin plates[J]. International Journal of Fracture, 2018, 211(1-2): 1-12.Wu W, Zhu HH*, Lin JS, et al. Tunnel stability assessment by 3D DDA-key block analysis[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 71: 210-214.Zhu HH, Zhang Q, Huang BQ, et al. A constitutive model based on the modified generalized three-dimensional Hoek–Brown strength criterion[J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, 2017, 98:78-87.Cai YC, Zhu HH*. A locking‐free nine‐DOF triangular plate element with incompatible approximation[J]. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2017, 109(7).Zhu HH, Wu W, Zhuang XY, et al. Method for Estimating Normal Contact Parameters in Collision Modeling Using Discontinuous Deformation Analysis:[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2016, 17(5):E4016011.Zhuang XY, Wang Q, Zhu HH*. Multiscale modelling of hydro-mechanical couplings in quasi-brittle materials[J]. International Journal of Fracture, 2016:1-27.Zhu HH, Zhou S, Yan ZG, Ju JW, and Chen Q. A two-dimensional micromechanical damage-healing model on microcrack-induced damage for microcapsule-enabled self-healing cementitious composites under compressive loading[J].International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2016:25(5), 727-749.Zhu HH, Wu W, Chen JQ, Ma GW, Liu XG, and Zhuang XY. Integration of three dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) with binocular photogrammetry for stability analysis of tunnels in blocky rockmass[J].Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2016:51, 30-40.Zhu HH, Wang Q, Zhuang XY. A nonlinear semi-concurrent multiscale method for dynamic fractures[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2015, 87:65-82.Chen JQ, Zhu HH, Li XJ. Automatic extraction of discontinuity orientation from rock mass surface 3D point cloud[J]. Computers & Geosciences, 2016, 95:18-31.Zhu HH, Zhou S, Yan ZG, et al. A 3D analytical model for the probabilistic characteristics of self-healing model for concrete using spherical microcapsule[J]. Computers & Concrete, 2015, 15(1):37-54.Zhu HH, Zhou S, Yan ZG, et al. A two-dimensional micromechanical damage-healing model on microcrack-induced damage for microcapsule-enabled self-healing cementitious composites under tensile loading[J]. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2015, 24(1):95-115.Zhu HH, Chen Q, Ju JW, et al. Maximum entropy-based stochastic micromechanical model for a two-phase composite considering the inter-particle interaction effect[J]. Acta Mechanica, 2015, 226(9):3069-3084.Chen Q, Zhu HH*, Ju JW, et al. A stochastic micromechanical model for multiphase composites containing spherical inhomogeneities[J]. Acta Mechanica, 2015, 226(6):1861-1880.Zhuang XY, Wang Q, Zhu HH*. A 3D computational homogenization model for porous material and parameters identification[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2015, 96:536-548.Yan ZG, Shen Y, Zhu HH*, et al. Experimental investigation of reinforced concrete and hybrid fibre reinforced concrete shield tunnel segments subjected to elevated temperature[J]. Fire Safety Journal, 2015, 71(3):86-99.Zhu HH, Zuo YL, Li XJ, et al. Estimation of the fracture diameter distributions using the maximum entropy principle[J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, 2014, 72(72):127-137.Zhu HH, Chen Q, Yan ZG, et al. Micromechanical models for saturated concrete repaired by the electrochemical deposition method[J]. Materials & Structures, 2014, 47(6):1067-1082.Zhu HH, Ye B, Cai YC, et al. An elasto-viscoplastic model for soft rock around tunnels considering overconsolidation and structure effects[J]. Computers & Geotechnics, 2013, 50(50):6-16.Yan ZG, Zhu HH*, Ju JW. Behavior of reinforced concrete and steel fiber reinforced concrete shield TBM tunnel linings exposed to high temperatures[J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2013, 38(2):610-618.Zhuang XY, Zhu HH*, Augarde C. An improved meshless Shepard and least squares method possessing the delta property and requiring no singular weight function[J]. Computational Mechanics, 2014, 53(2):343-357.Li XJ, Li PN, Zhu HH*. Coal seam surface modeling and updating with multi-source data integration using Bayesian Geostatistics[J]. Engineering Geology, 2013, 164(4):208-221.Zhu HH, Zhuang XY, Cai YC. High rock slope stability analysis using the enriched meshless Shepard and least squares method[J]. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2011, 8(2): 209-228.Xu QW, Zhu HH*, Ding WQ, et al. Laboratory model tests and field investigations of EPB shield machine tunnelling in soft ground in Shanghai[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2011, 26(1):1-14.Zhu HH, Cai YC, Paik JK, et al. 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主持的部分科研项目时间项目名称项目来源2002年隧道围岩可视化数字地层信息系统与施工监控研究国家自然科学基金项目2003年盾构地层适应性设计理论、方法和模拟试验台国家863计划项目2005年世博园区数字地下空间基础平台与应用研究国家科技攻关项目2006年岩石高边坡裂纹扩展过程的无网格方法模拟研究国家自然科学基金项目2007年大深度大断面地下穿越工程与微扰动施工研究国家863计划项目2007年城市地下空间防灾减灾技术研究国家科技支撑计划项目2007年城市地下空间建设工程化技术开发国家科技支撑计划项目2007年软弱破碎隧道围岩渐进性破坏分析与松动荷载预测研究国家自然科学基金项目2007年深部岩体工程特性的理论与实验研究国家自然科学基金项目2011年城市轨道交通地下结构性能演化与感控基础理论国家973计划项目2012年隧道围岩稳定性三维精细化模拟方法与应用国家自然科学基金项目2015年火灾高温下饱和软黏土热-水-汽-力多场耦合特性及对隧道结构安全的影响元国家自然科学基金项目2019年城市地下基础设施运行综合监控关键技术与示范国家重点研发计划项目2019年多波动式岩体-结构复合体内信息高精度采集系统国家自然科学基金项目参考资料: 科研获奖&发明专利据2022年7月中国工程院网站显示,朱合华获国家科技进步二等奖2项,省部级和一级学会的科技成果特等奖2项、一等奖10项;授权发明专利50余件