







学术论著截至2014年9月,梁栋材先后发表自然科学论文140余篇,专著《X射线晶体学基础》等,代表性论文如下 :Tang Q., Gao P., Liu Y.P., Gao A., An X.M., Liu S., Yan X.X., Liang D.C. RecOR complex including RecR N-N dimer and RecO monomer displays a high affinity for ssDNA[J]. Nucleic Acids Research, 2012, 40(21):11115-11125.Gao P., Tang Q., An X.M., Yan X.X., Liang D.C. Structure of HsdS subunit from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis sheds lights on mechanism of dynamic opening and closing of type I methyltransferase[J]. Plos One, 2011, 6(3):e17346.Yan X.X., An X.M., Gui L.L., Liang D.C. From Structure to Function: Insights into the Catalytic Substrate Specificity and Thermostability Displayed by Bacillus subtilis Mannanase BCman[J]. Journal of Molecular Biology, 2008, 379(3):0-544.Yun C.H., Bai J., Sun D.Y., Cui D.F., Chang W.R., Liang D.C. Structure of potato calmodulin PCM6: the first report of the three-dimensional structure of a plant calmodulin [J]. Acta Crystallographica Section D, Biological Crystallography, 2004, 60(7):1214-1219.Li M.H., Kowk F., Chang W.R., Lau C.Q., Zhang J.P., Lo Samuel C. L., Jiang T., Liang D.C. Crystal Structure of Brain Pyridoxal Kinase, a Novel Member of the Ribokinase Superfamily[J]. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2002, 277(48):46385-46390.Tang Y., Liang D.C., Jiang T., Zhang J.P., Gui L.L., Chang W.R. Crystal Structure of Earthworm Fibrinolytic Enzyme Component A: Revealing the Structural Determinants of its Dual Fibrinolytic Activity[J]. Journal of Molecular Biology, 2002, 321(1):0-68.Jiang T, Zhang J P, Liang D.C. Structure and function of chromophores in R‐phycoerythrin at 1.9 Å resolution[J]. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 1999, 34(2):224-231.Bao S J, Xie D L, Zhang J P, Chang W.R., Liang D.C.Crystal Structure of Desheptapeptide(B24-B30)Insulin at 1.6 angstrom Resolution: Implications for Receptor Binding[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1997, 94(7):2975-2980.胰岛素结构研究组. 2.5埃分辨率胰岛素晶体结构的研究[J]. 物理, 1972(1):3-20. 科研成果奖励截至2014年9月,梁栋材先后获得1982年国家自然科学二等奖、1989年国家自然科学二等奖、1987年中国科学院自然科学一等奖及1986年、1992年中国科学院自然科学二等奖、2004年获北京市科学技术奖一等奖 

