申建波发表论文2017年:1. Li XQ, Wilkinson S, Shen JB, Forde BG, Davies WJ*. 2017. Do hydraulic and chemical changes explain stomatal and growth responses to soil drying? Journal of Experimental Botany (in press).2. Zeng MF, de Vries W, Bonten LTC, Zhu Q, Hao TX, Liu XJ, Xu MG, Shi XJ, Zhang FS, Shen JB*. 2017. Model-based analysis of the long-term effects of fertilization management on cropland soil acidification. Environmental Science & Technology DOI: 10.1021acs.est.6b05491.3. Wen ZH, Li HG*, Shen JB, Rengel Z. 2017. Maize responds to low shoot P concentration by altering root morphology rather than increasing root exudation. Plant Soil DOI 10.1007s11104-017-3214-0.4. Jin K, White PJ, Whalley WR, Shen JB, Shi L*. 2017. Shaping an Optimal Soil by Root–Soil Interaction. Trends Plan Sci5. 王 昕,李海港,程凌云,王宝兰,申建波*. 2017. 磷与水分互作的根土界面效应及其高效利用机制研究进展. 植物营养与肥料学报23(4):1054-1064.6. 张德闪,李洪波,申建波*. 2017. 集约化互作体系植物根高效获取土壤养分的策略与机制. 植物营养与肥料学报(待刊).2016年:1. Zhang DS, Zhang CC, Tang XY, Li HG, Zhang FS, Rengel Z, Whalley WR, Davies WJ, Shen JB*. 2016. Increased soil P availability induced by faba bean root exudation stimulates root growth and P uptake in neighbouring maize. New Phytologist 209: 823–831.2. Jiao XQ, Lyu Y, Wu XB, Li HG, Cheng LY, Zhang CC, Yuan LX, Jiang RF, Jiang BW, Rengel Z, Zhang FS, Davies WJ, Shen JB*. 2016. Grain production versus resource and environmental costs: towards increasing sustainability of nutrient use in China. Journal of Experimental Botany doi:10.1093jxberw2823. Lyu Y,Tang HL,Li HB,Zhang FS,Rengel Z,Whalley WR,Shen JB. 2016*. Major Crop Species Show Differential Balance between Root Morphological and Physiological Responses to Variable Phosphorus Supply. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12.21,74. Li HB, Wang X, Rengel Z, Ma QH, Zhang FS, Shen JB*. 2016. Root over-production in heterogeneous nutrient environment has no negative effects on Zea mays shoot growth in the field. Plant and Soil. DOI: 10.1007s11104-016-2963-5.5. Zhang WF, Cao GX, Li XL, Zhang HY, Wang C, Liu QQ, Chen XP, Cui ZL, Shen JB, Jiang RF, Mi GH, Miao YX, Zhang FS*, Dou ZX. 2016. Closing yield gaps in China by empowering smallholder farmers. Nature,6. Powers SM*, Bruulsema TW, Burt TP, Chan NI, Elser JJ, Haygarth PM, Howden NJK, Jarvie HP, Lyu Yang, Peterson HM, Sharpley AN, Shen JB, Worrall F and Zhang FS. 2016. Long-term accumulation and transport of anthropogenic phosphorus in three river basins. Nature Geoscience 9 (5): 353-356.7. MacDonald GK*, Jarvie HP, Withers PJA, Doody DG, Keeler BL, Haygarth PM, Johnson LT, McDowell RW, Miyittah M K, Powers SM, Sharpley A N, Shen JB, Smith DR, Weintraub MN, Zhang TQ. 2016. Guiding phosphorus stewardship for multiple ecosystem services. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 2 (12) :1-12.8. Gao W, Hodgkinson L, Jin K, Watts CW, R.W. Ashton, J. Shen, T. Ren, I.C. Dodd, A. Binley, A.L. Phillips, P. Hedden, M. J., Hawkesford, W.R. Whalley*. 2016. Deep roots and soil structure. Plant, Cell and Environment. doi: 10.1111pce.12684.9. Li CJ, Dong Y, Li HG*, Shen JB, Zhang FS. 2016. Shift from complementarity to facilitation on P uptake by intercropped wheat neighboring with faba bean when available soil P is depleted. Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038srep18663.2015年:1. Jiao XQ, Li HG, Rengel Z, Zhang FS, Shen JB*. 2015. Dynamic growth pattern and exploitation of soil residual P by Brassica campestris throughout growth cycle on a calcareous soil. Field Crops Research 180:110–117.2. Ma QH, Wang X, Li HB, Li HG, Rengel Z, Zhang FS, Rengel Z, Shen JB*. 2015. Comparing localized application of different N fertilizer species on maize grain yield and agronomic N-use efficiency on a calcareous soil. Field Crops Research 180, 72-79.3. Jin K, Shen J*, Ashton RW, White RP, Dodd IC, Phillips AL, Parry MAJ, Whalley WR*. 2015. The effect of impedance to root growth on plant architecture in wheat. Plant and Soil 392: 323–332.4. Jin KM, Shen J*, Ashton RW, White RP, Dodd IC, Parry MAJ, Whalley WR*. 2015. Wheat root growth responses to horizontal stratification of fertiliser in a water-limited environment. Plant and Soil 386:77-88.5. Li HG, Liu J, Li GH, Shen JB, Bergstr?m L, Zhang FS*. 2015. Past, present, and future use of phosphorus in Chinese agriculture and its influence on phosphorus losses. AMBIO 44(Suppl. 2):S274–S285, DOI 10.1007s13280-015-0633-0.6. Rowe H*, Withers PJA, Baas P, Chan NI, Doody D, Holiman J, Jacobs B, Li HG, MacDonald GK, McDowell R, Sharpley AN, Shen JB, Taheri W, Wallenstein M, Weintraub MN. 2016. Integrating legacy soil phosphorus into sustainable nutrient management strategies for future food, bioenergy and water security. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 104:393–412, DOI 10.1007s10705-015-9726-1.7. Yuan HM, Blackwell M, McGrath S, George TS, Granger SH, Hawkins JMB, Dunham S, Shen JB*. 2016. Morphological responses of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots to phosphorus supply in two contrasting soils. The Journal of Agricultural Science 154, 98–108 doi:10.1017S0021859615000702.8. Wen ZH, Shen JB, Blackwell M, Li HG, Zhao BQ, Yuan HM*. 2015. Synergy effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers with manure on maize yield and nutrient uptake via stimulating root growth in a long-term experiment. Pedosphere, accepted.9. Wang ZR*, Shen JB, Ludewig U, Neumann G. 2015. A re-assessment of sucrose signaling involved in cluster root formation and function in phosphate-deficient white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). Physiologia Plantarum 154: 407-419.10.Wang ZR*, Rahman ABM, Wang GY, Ludewig U, Shen JB, Neumann G. 2015. Hormonal interactions during cluster-root development in phosphate-deficient white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). Journal of plant physiology177: 74-82.2014年:1. Cheng L, Tang XY, Vance CP, White PJ, Zhang FS, Shen JB*. 2014. Interactions between light intensity and phosphorus nutrition affect the phosphate-mining capacity of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). Journal of Experimental Botany 65: 2995-3003.2. Ma QH, Wang X, Li HB, Li HG, Cheng LY, Zhang FS, Rengel Z, Shen JB*. 2014. Localized application of NH4+-N plus P enhances zinc and iron accumulation in maize via modifying root traits and rhizosphere processes. Field Crops Research 164(0): 107-116.3. Li HB, Ma QH, Li HG, Zhang FS, Rengel Z, Shen JB*. 2014. Root morphological responses to localized nutrient supply differ among crop species with contrasting root traits. Plant and Soil 376:151–163.4. Brooker RW*, Bennett AE, Cong WF, Daniell TJ, George TS, Hallett PD, Hawes C, Iannetta PPM, Jones HG, Karley AJ, Li L, McKenzie BM, Pakeman RJ, Paterson E, Sch?b C, Shen JB, Squire G, Watson CA, Zhang CC, Zhang FS, Zhang JL, White PJ. 2014. Improving intercropping: a synthesis of research in agronomy, plant physiology and ecology. New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111nph.131325. Haygarth PM*, Jarvie HP, Powers ST, Sharpley AN, Elser JJ, Shen JB, Peterson HM, Chan NL, Howden NJK, Burt T, Worrall F, Zhang F, Liu X. 2014. Sustainable phosphorus management and the need for a long-term perspective: The legacy hypothesis. Environmental Science & Technology 48:8417-8419.6. Wang ZR*, Straub D, Yang HY, Kania A, Shen JB, Ludewig U, Neumann G. 2014. The regulatory network of cluster-root function and development in phosphate-deficient white lupin (Lupinus albus) identified by transcriptome sequencing. Physiologia Plantarum 151:323-338.7. Li YX, Zhang WF*, Ma L, Wu L, Shen JB, Davies WJ, Oenema O, Zhang FS, Dou ZX. 2014. An analysis of China’s grain production: looking back and looking forward. Food and Energy Security, Food and Energy Security 2014; 3(1): 19-32.2013年:1. Jin K, Shen J*, Ashton JR, Dodd IC, Parry MAJ, Whalley WR*. 2013. How do roots elongate in a structured soil? Journal of Experimental Botany 64: 4761-4777.2. Shen J, Li C, Mi G, Li L, Yuan L, Jiang R, Zhang F*. 2013. Maximizing root/rhizosphere efficiency to improve crop productivity and nutrient use efficiency in intensive agriculture of China. Journal of Experimental Botany 64:1181-1192.3. Ma QH, Zhang FS, Rengel Z, Shen J*. 2013. Localized application of NH4+-N plus P at the seedling and later growth stages enhances nutrient uptake and maize yield by inducing lateral root proliferation. Plant and Soil 372:65-80.4. Ma QH, Tang HL, Rengel Z, Shen J*. 2013. Banding phosphorus and ammonium enhances nutrient uptake by maize via modifying root spatial distribution. Crop & Pasture Science, 2013, 64, 965-975.5. Tang HL, Li XQ, Zu C, Zhang FS, Shen JB*. 2013. Spatial distribution and expression of intracellular and extracellular acid phosphatases of cluster roots at different developmental stages in white lupin. Journal of Plant Physiology 170: 1243-1250.6. Tang HL, Shen JB*, Zhang FS, Rengel Z. 2013. Interactive effects of phosphorus deficiency and exogenous auxin on root morphological and physiological traits in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences 56: 313-323.7. Shen J, Cui ZL, Miao YX, Mi GH, Zhang HY, Fan MS, Zhang CC, Jiang RF, Zhang WF, Li HG, Chen XP, Li XL, Zhang FS*. 2013. Transforming agriculture in China: From solely high yield to both high yield and high resource use efficiency. Global Food Security 2:1-8.8. Bai ZH, Li HG, Yang XY, Zhou BK, Shi XJ, Wang BR, Li DC, Shen JB, Chen Q, Qin W, Oenema O, Zhang FS*. 2013. The critical soil P levels for crop yield, soil fertility and environmental safety in different soil types. Plant and Soil 372:27-37.9. 李洪波,薛慕瑶,林雅茹,申建波*. 2013. 土壤养分空间异质性与根系觅食作用:从个体到群落.10.王昕,唐宏亮,申建波*. 2013. 玉米根系对土壤氮、磷空间异质性分布的响应,植物营养与肥料学报, 19(5):1058-1064.2012年:1. Li HB, Zhang FS, Shen J*. 2012. Contribution of root proliferation in nutrient-rich patches to nutrient uptake and growth of maize. Pedosphere 22: 776-784.2. Zhang F*, Cui Z, Chen X, Ju X, Shen J, Chen Q, Liu X, Zhang W, Mi G, Fan M, Jiang R. 2012. Integrated Nutrient Management for Food Security and Environmental Quality in China. Advances in Agronomy 116, 1-40.3. Jing J, Zhang F, Rengel Z, Shen J*. 2012. Localized fertilization with P plus N elicits an ammonium-dependent enhancement of maize root growth and nutrient uptake. Field Crops Research 133: 176-1855.2011年:1. Shen JB, Yuan LX, Zhang JL, Li HG, Bai ZH, Chen XP, Zhang WF and Zhang F*. 2011. Phosphorus dynamics: from soil to plant. Plant Physiology 156: 997-1005.2. Cheng LY, Bucciarelli B, Liu J, Zinn K, Miller S, Patton-Vogt J, Allan D, Shen J, Vance CP*. 2011. White lupin cluster root acclimation to phosphorus deficiency and root hair development involve unique glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterases. Plant Physiology 156: 1131-1148.3. Cheng LY, Bucciarelli B, Shen J, Allan D and Vance CP. 2011. Update on White Lupin Cluster Root Acclimation to Phosphorus Deficiency. Plant Physiology 156: 1025-1032.4. Hinsinger P, Betencourt E, Bernard L, Brauman A, Plassard C, Shen J, Tang X, Zhang F. 2011. P for two, sharing a scarce resource: soil phosphorus acquisition in the rhizosphere of intercropped species. Plant Physiology 156: 1078-1086.5. Li H, Huang G, Meng Q, Ma L, Yuan L, Wang F, Zhang W, Cui Z, Shen J, Chen X, Jiang R, Zhang F*. 2011. Integrated soil and plant phosphorus management for crop and environment in China. A review. Plant and Soil 349: 157-167.6. Fan MS, Shen J, Yuan LX, Jiang RF, Chen XP, Davies WJ, Zhang FS*. 2011. Improving crop productivity and resource use efficiency to ensure food security and environmental quality in China. Journal of Experimental Botany doi:10.1093jxberr248.7. Li HG, Huang G, Meng Q, Ma L, Yuan L, Wang F, Zhang W, Cui Z, Shen J, Chen X, Jiang R, Zhang F*. 2011. Integrated soil and plant phosphorus management for crop and environment in China. A review. Plant and Soil 349: 157-167.8. Ding XD, Fu L, Liu CJ, Chen FJ, Hoffland E, Shen J, Zhang FS, Feng G*. 2011. Positive feedback between acidification and organic phosphate mineralization in the rhizosphere of maize (Zea mays L.). Plant and Soil 349: 13-24.2010年:1. Wang BL, Tang XY, Cheng LY, Zhang AZ, Zhang WH, Zhang FS, Liu JQ, Cao Y, Allan DL, Vance CP, Shen J*. 2010. Nitric oxide is involved in phosphorus deficiency-induced cluster-root development and citrate exudation in white lupin. New Phytologist 187: 1112-1123.2. Li HG, Shen J*, Zhang FS, Lambers H. 2010. Localized application of soil organic matter shifts distribution of cluster roots of white lupin in the soil profile due to localized release of phosphorus. Annals of Botany 105: 585-593.3. Jing J, Rui Y, Zhang F, Rengel Z, Shen J*. 2010. Localized application of phosphorus and ammonium improves growth of maize seedlings by stimulating root proliferation and rhizosphere acidification. Field Crops Research 119: 355-364.4. Zhang F*, Shen J, Zhang J, Zuo Y, Li L, Chen X. 2010. Rhizosphere Processes and Management for Improving Nutrient Use Efficiency and Crop Productivity: Implications for China. Advances in Agronomy 107: 1-32.5. Wang X, Shen J, Liao H*. 2010. Acquisition or utilization, which is more critical for enhancing phosphorus efficiency in modern crops? Plant Science 179:302-306.6. Li H, Shen J, Zhang F, Marschner P, Cawthray G, Rengel Z. 2010. Phosphorus uptake and rhizosphere properties of intercropped and monocropped maize, faba bean, and white lupin in acidic soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 46: 79-91.2008年:1. Li HG, Shen J*, Zhang FS, Tang C, Lambers H. 2008. Is there a critical level of shoot phosphorus concentration for cluster-root formation in Lupinus albus? Functional Plant Biology 35: 328-336.2. Wang BL, Shen J*, Tang C, Rengel Z, Zhang F. 2008. Root morphology, proton release and carboxylate exudation in Lupin in response to phosphorus deficiency. Journal of Plant Nutrition 31: 557-570.3. Li H, Shen J, Zhang F, Clairotte M, Drevon JJ, Cadre EL, Hinsinger P. 2008. Dynamics of phosphorus fractions in the rhizosphere of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and durum wheat (Triticum turgidum durum L.) grown in monocropping and intercropping systems. Plant and Soil 312: 139-150.2007年:1. Wang BL, Shen J*, Zhang WH,Zhang FS, Neumann G. 2007. Citrate exudation from white lupin induced by phosphorus deficiency differs from that induced by aluminum. New Phytologist 176: 581-589.2. Shen J*, Hoffland E. 2007 In situ sampling of small volumes of soil solution using modified micro-suction cups. Plant and Soil 292: 161-169.3. Shu L, Shen J*, Rengel Z, Tang C, Zhang F, Cawthray GR. 2007 Formation of cluster roots and citrate exudation by Lupinus albus in response to localized application of different phosphorus sources. Plant Science 172: 1017-1024.4. Shu L, Shen J*, Rengel Z, Tang C, Zhang F. 2007. Cluster root formation by Lupinus albus L. is modified by stratified application of phosphorus in a split-root system. Journal of Plant Nutrition 30: 271-288.5. Wang Z, Shen JB*, Zhang F. 2006. Cluster-root formation, carboxylate exudation and proton release of Lupinus pilosus as affected by medium pH and P deficiency. Plant Soil 287, 247-256.6. Shu L, Shen J*, Rengel Z, Tang C, Zhang F 2005 Growth medium and phosphorus supply affect cluster root formation and citrate exudation by Lupinus albus grown in a sand/solution split-root system. Plant and Soil, 276, 85-94.7. Shen J*, Li H, Neumann G, Zhang F. 2005. Nutrient uptake, cluster root formation and exudation of protons and citrate in Lupinus albus as affected by localized supply of phosphorus in a split-root system. Plant Science 168, 837-845.8. Shen J*, Li R, Zhang F, Fan J, Tang C, Rengel Z. 2004. Crop yields, soil fertility and phosphorus fractions in response to long-term fertilization under the rice monoculture system on a calcareous soil. Field Crops Research, 86, 225-238.9. Shen J*, Tang C, Rengel Z, Zhang F. 2004. Root-induced acidification and excess cation uptake by N2-fixing Lupinus albus grown in phosphorus-deficient soil. Plant and Soil, 260, 69-77.10.Zhang F*, Shen J, Li L, Liu X. 2004. An overview of rhizosphere processes under major cropping systems in China. Plant and Soil, 260, 89-9911.Shen J, Rengel Z*, Tang C, Zhang F, 2003. Role of phosphorus nutrition in development of cluster roots and release of carboxylates in soil-grown Lupinus albus. Plant and Soil, 248, 199-206.12.Shen J, Zhang F, Q Chen, Rengel Z, Tang C, Song C. 2002. Genotypic difference in seed iron content and early responses to iron deficiency in wheat. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 25, 1631-1643.13.申建波, 张福锁. 1999. 根分泌物的生态效应. 中国农业科技导报,4:21-27.14.张福锁, 申建波. 1999. 根际微生态系统理论框架的初步构建. 中国农业科技导报,4:15-20.