2005年,德鲁克先生亲自授权光华可以在中国使用“Peter F.Drucker Academy”的名称
2007年,北京光华管理研修中心正式更名为:彼得·德鲁克管理学院(Peter F.Drucker Academy,简称DA)
使命(Mission)帮助中国的知识工作者学习和实践德鲁克的学说To Make Available to China’s Knowledge Workers the Study and Practice of Drucker’s Legacy.2009愿景(Vision)通过对企业、政府和非营利组织的管理者和大学学子进行培训和传播,促成一个富足、公平和健康的社会To Promote a Wealthy, Fair, and Healthy Community by Training Managers and Students from Businesses, Government, Non-profit Organizations and University.价值观(Value)真正的管理――验证什么是对的和好的,不在于逻辑上的严谨或者一时的流行,而在于是否可以实行及能否取得成果
True Management――Validating what is right and good is not based on precise logic or temporary popularity, but on whether the knowledge can be implemented and can produce results, which must be constructive to a wealthy, fair, and healthy community.负责的管理――管理者应该诚实和正直
Responsible Management――The manager must have honesty and integrity. To allow managers to get the capability of bearing their responsibilities, the management training should not only teach people how to do but also tell them to know what to do and why.有价值的管理――管理者必须为同事、组织及其使命,甚至为自己的家庭贡献可衡量的价值
Management with Value――Managers must contribute measurable value to their colleagues, their organization and mission, and even their families.