报告题目:Oscillation, phase locking and Arnold tongues in pancreatic islets
报告人:汤超 中国科学院院士
报告时间:2020.10.28 10:30-12:00
报告地点:腾讯会议(在线)895 362 760
报告摘要:The Ca2+ modulated pulsatile secretions of glucagon and insulin by pancreatic α and β cells play a key role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. However, how different types of cells in the islet couple and coordinate to give rise to various Ca2+ oscillation patterns and how these patterns are being tuned by paracrine regulation are still elusive. Here we develop a microfluidic device to facilitate long-term recording of islet Ca2+ activity at single cell level and find that islets show heterogeneous but intrinsic oscillation patterns. The α and β cells in an islet oscillate in antiphase and are globally phase locked to display a variety of oscillation modes. A coarse-grained mathematical model is constructed and compares well with the experiments. The model generates two-dimensional Arnold tongues and maps out the dependence of the oscillation modes on the paracrine interactions between α and β cells. Our study reveals the origin of the islet oscillation patterns and highlights the role of paracrine regulation in tuning them.
报告人简介:汤超本科阶段在中国科技大学近代力学系学习。经李政道先生的CUSPEA PROGRAM 获美国芝加哥大学物理学博士学位。在统计物理,凝聚态物理,非线性科学,复杂系统等领域做了许多开创性工作。近些年来致力于用物理学的思想及方法探索研究生物问题。 他在2001年帮助创立北京大学理论生物学中心,2011年全职到北大工作,2019年入选中国科学院院士。现为北京大学讲席教授, 定量生物学中心(原理论生物学中心)主任。研究方向主要在物理和生命科学的交叉方面,通过理论、计算与定量实验相结合的研究手段,寻找生物系统中的普适性原理和定量规律。