罗切斯特大学普利策奖得主普利策文学奖自1917年设立以来,罗切斯特大学迄今共有12位校友获此殊荣,他们是:2004: Steven Hahn ’73 in history,for his book:A Nation Under Our Feet: Black Political Struggles in the Rural South from Slavery to the Great Migration1996: George Walker,’56E(DMA) in music,for his composition,"Lilacs for Voice and Orchestra"1993: Christopher Rouse,Eastman professor of composition,in music for his "Trombone Concerto"1983: Galway Kinnell,’49(MA) in poetry1979: Joseph Schwantner,Eastman faculty,in music1975: Dominick Argento,’58E(DMA),in music1968: Anthony Hecht,English faculty,in poetry1962: Robert Ward,’39E(BM),in music1960: George Abbott,’11,in drama1959: John La Montaine,’39E(BA),in music1952: Gail Kubik,’34E(BM),in music1944: Howard Hanson,Eastman faculty and director from 1924 to 1964,in music